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The effect of a touristic renewal on Kosti-Nf. A story

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    MMMCCCXСIII. The effect of a touristic renewal on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 12, 2023.

  The effect of a touristic renewal on Kosti-NF. A story.
  - We aired an interview yesterday with a man who organizes tours to Kamchatka and Africa!
  - A good interview! - Mr. Wintertund agreed.
  Mrs. Quicktalker made a small pause:
  - One of our radio listeners sent us a letter after this radio programme. He fears that this man might be labelled a fraud. The radio listener assumes that some tourist service user will have a negative opinion of the tour and the objects seen. This tourist service user will not receive the effects of enlightenment and renewal, he will suspect deception and publicly declare the deception. Our radio station may find itself in a bad position. Who have we advertised to?
  - And that tourist figure who spoke yesterday - what organization is he a member of?
  - The Imperial Travelling Society.
  - And who heads this Society?
  - I don't know exactly. Probably a person close to the Emperor.
  - That's right. And who did this traveler meet at the end of the world (at Kamchatka) near the volcano?
  - A powerful man. From the very top.
  - Okay... Internet coaches - many of them live in Moscow. In Moscow! And which of them can brag about meeting a powerful man from the top?
  - I haven't heard any of them brag about such meetings.
  - Who of the Internet-coaches has joined a useful organization (like the Imperial Traveling Society)?
  - I've never heard of it. They're mostly on their own. They teach what they can, teach those whom they can to teach, get paid. They live as they please.
  - So! And a man organizing tourist tours to Kamchatka or Africa, he depends on a lot of people. Take at least helicopters, other transport and other problems. He is included in the system of connections.
  - In Kamchatka, transport is needed. Helicopters are very useful.
  - Unlike Internet-coaches, this touristic figure that we had seen yesterday, first of all, it enrolled in correct, useful organization, secondly, it is able even at the end of the world (on a volcano) to meet an influential person from the very top, thirdly, it is included in the system of diverse connections, that is, it is in the system of complex relations of dependence. And Internet-coaches - they get money, and live as they want. Understand the difference and don't worry about deception in travel services.
  - Okay... So what do we say to our radio listener who sent a disturbing email?
  - Answer politely: we will pass your letter to the organization "Useful Cause" for use in the process of educating young people.
  - I'll go prepare and send the response letter.
  - Go and don't worry. Would you like to go to Kamchatka?
  - Well, I will think about it... I would like to walk along the mountains with a backpack on my shoulders, to look at beautiful views, to receive the effects of enlightenment and renewal in places of power... Maybe, I will meet a useful person on some volcano....
  - A gaining of a strength in places of power is an interesting process. Well, go on, work ... - Mr. Wintertund kindly let Mrs. Quicktalker go.
  12 November 2023 04:50
  Translation from Russian into English: November 12, 2023 07:23
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Эффект туристического обновления на Кости-NF. Рассказ '.
  {3422. Эффект туристического обновления на Кости-NF. Рассказ. - 12 ноября 2023 г.
  MMMCCCXСIII. The effect of a touristic renewal on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 12, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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