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The Essay about events in America, emotions and Donald Trump's policy

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    The Essay about events in America, emotions and Donald Trump's policy

  The Essay about events in America, emotions and Donald Trump's policy
  Events in America received not a really a clear lighting in the Russian media.
  Tragic events. Life of each person is a valuable part of our world. Everyone sympathizes with the relatives of those who got into a tragic situation.
  But what it is possible to tell about these events?
  It is very difficult to give estimates. Many emotions.
  To research cause-and-effect relationships is simply dangerous...
  Sergei Sergeyevich remembered the story which he read after a flood in the New Orleans (2005).
  This story happened long ago, and it was very short. So, inaccuracies are possible...
  A man was born and grew up in those edges. Before the flood he lived happily.
  After the flood he found out that the world around him began to change. Some people began to leave somewhere, and others - to come.
  Gradually, he began to feel the increasing discomfort.
  He mentioned the accruing background aggression in relation to him. Let's allow constant unpleasant "trifles" with his car - there were not enough these constant unpleasant "trifles" for taking measures by police, but they poisoned life, and have served a kind of a signal, of a warning.
  As a result this person sold what he owned, took the credit and moved from those edges where he was born and grew up.
  On the credit and the departure, the short novel by the former resident of New Orleans came to an end.
  "It is difficult to draw conclusions, being at considerable distance from those places where there were events, - but, apparently, the policy of the American president is directed to that people could live comfortably and feel pleasantly in those places where they were born, without facing "pressure", without facing a need of moving, but moving in the presence of desire, on good will ...", - Sergei Sergeyevich thought.
  On August 5, 2019 10:44
  Translation from Russian into English: August 5, 2019 11:19.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Эссе о событиях в Америке, эмоциях и политике Дональда Трампа'.
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