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The Essay about the "European paradox"

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    The Essay about the "European paradox"

  The Essay about the "European paradox"
  Sergei Sergeyevich learned about the events related to the UAE.
  The event is outstanding.
  But what to think of it?
  The world is changing?
  A modern woman is changing?
  That a woman, sometimes, demonstrates extraordinary intuition, extraordinary, supernatural foresight?
  Or think something else?
  Reflecting on this topic, Sergei Sergeyevich met the material about the "man-made river", "underground river", which was created (so it was written) by Muammar Gaddafi!
  Numerous readers of the material presented their views on Muammar Gaddafi.
  Muammar Gaddafi created the "underground river"! He spent a lot of money on the people of his own country! The people participated in the overthrow of Gaddafi!
  "Different there are values", - thought Sergey Sergeyevich, - "Water, money..."
  European civilization has created in Europeans an idea of the value of a personality and of a participation of the individual in the management of public Affairs and in the management of their own lives.
  Are these representations illusory or do they correspond to reality?
  These ideas arose, they became an independent value.
  People often put these values in the first place (in different countries).
  European values often win competition with other values (for example, with water and money, power, special position in the state and society).
  "Give the possibility to live! Just to live! To live as there lives an ordinary, wealthy European! Without totalitarian stuff, without arbitrarily established pressure, restrictions, control!"- this is said by different people in different countries.
  However, in modern Europe, the family is destroyed. The destruction of the family leads to the destruction of European civilization itself.
  It is difficult to determine to what extent European values are a reality and to what extent they are an illusion.
  European civilization is collapsing and becoming more attractive. Paradox!
  "If Europe overcomes the crisis of the family, it will become insuperable, is insuperable attractive!" - Sergei Sergeyevich assumed.
  The family collapses, destroying European civilization. Meanwhile, the notion an "European" is filling with more and more positive value!
  On June 30, 2019 06:23
  Translation from Russian into English: June 30, 2019 06:57.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Эссе о "европейском парадоксе"".
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