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The Exchange. The essay on a practical journalism

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    The Exchange. The essay on a practical journalism.

  The Exchange. The essay on a practical journalism.
  When an unknown journalist got into prison in a neighbouring country, at first few people noticed this event.
  Maybe he was sending a some forbidden SMS?
  The noise around his case continued. No any SMS were mentioned. And gradually it became clear. He wrote something. Somebody didn 't like this "something" . Well, and - they started to pull him...
  Gradually, the absurd character of the situation became clear to everyone. A sluggish and then, and more energetic, movement began. International human rights organizations have been started to act.
  In front of the neighboring country was the prospect of getting her own, personal, the martyr for media freedom.
  A prospect .... Not attractive one, really ...
  At this point, a new president was emerging in a neighbouring country.
  A potential martyr for media freedom faced a dilemma: either end his participation in the trial with proudly raised head and get out of it with the noble halo of a person who has suffered for freedom of speech and press, or agree to an "exchange."
  In the beginning, the potential martyr sent signals that he intended to fight until the winning conclusion of the story with accusations against him. He doesn 't want to be exchanged!
  But, still, he agreed to an "exchange."
  It all looked questionable. Someone might had a sense of frustration. But it was difficult to condemn him for such a choice.
  Let 's suppose he would achieve a victory in the trial in the neighboring country, become a martyr and a symbol. In itself such a situation is pleasant, and even allows to demonstrate the kind of nobility. Moreover, the surname is historical and causes respectful associations.
  But, on the other hand, what to eat? Where to find a food? To sit and to click with teeth, feeling a hunger? To recall a pleasant seconds of a victory in the trial? Of a judicial victory?
  The martyr, who has not completed the receipt of the corresponding status, owing the "exchange" left the neighboring country and entered some positions with salaries, and began to portray himself as a person with great prospects for carrying out feats in the field of human rights and journalism.
  Why deny a person such prospects? Why shouldn't he show himself (and own abilities)? Some people have tried...
  All this was humanly understandable...
  However, today, January 23, 2020, in the morning, if someone wanted to listen to a radio news issue, this fan of fresh news could to catch a few minutes of dialogue between the martyr, who has not completed the receipt of the corresponding status, and two notorious radio figures.
  It makes no sense to talk about those the radio activists. They have gained a solid reputation, and both they and their views are well-known.
  As one might expect, the conversation was spunning around a some low gossips and an empty chatter during those few minutes. The martyr, who has not completed the receipt of the corresponding status, was "singing" trying to help to figures with a wide-known reputation.
  He got approval. Now, he, perhaps, will educate the population about high truths in television and radio broadcasts.
  As a result, the participant of a life perturbations and tragedies said "Thank you, colleagues!." (They - a piece of state budget pie to him, and he - a piece of his the suffering history to them. In order to strengthen the "professional reputation" of the radio activists. The Exchange!). The conversation ended and the news release began.
  That 's the whole plot... It is good, of course, that the journalist, whatever he was and whatever he will become (in future), stopped sitting in prison only because of a creating a some media material.
  It 's hard nowadays to claim something positive... Our epoch is not adapted for those ... as it sound... "while a hearts to a honor are alive...." Well, it is clear.
  January 23, 2020 21:42
  Translation from Russian into English: January 26, 2020 09:41.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Обмен. Очерк практической журналистики'.
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