Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Express Sketch about the difficult film with a noisy reputation

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Express Sketch about the difficult film with a noisy reputation

  The Express Sketch about the difficult film with a noisy reputation
  The famous film director to Joseph Vissarionovich comes:
  - Joseph Vissarionovich, I prepared the film. The black comedy.
  - At us according to the Constitution all freedoms are set. For example, only one candidate can stand on a direct, equal, general election with a secret ballot. But you considered what now a time? "Not a step backwards!". Comrade Govorov organized artillery duels. So, you must to wait.
  The director understood a situation and left the office-room. Stalin wrote down something on a sheet of paper .
  The director waits. Salutes... There took place the Parade. Year passed, another ...
  Suddenly at the director the phone is ringing. Stalin's assistant calls:
  - The problem was solved by itself. You can not worry.
  - And how to be with the film?
  - It is not a question of comrade Stalin. This question was removed from control of the Stavka.
  The director in confusion. What to do?
  His memory digests the phone call: "... The Stavka ... The Stavka ..."
  "I will dial, just in case, some the phone number!..."
  He dials the number:
  - I listen! - the director in the receiver hears. And except the voice other sounds are heard. It seems, some film is in a watching. As if, a somebody speaks about Mathilda Kschessinskaya ...
  - I would like to coordinate an issue of display of the black comedy about the starving second capital of the state, - the director says.
  - According to the Imperial Manifesto for the population was granted the firm bases of civil liberty on the principles of the inviolability of a personality, a freedom of worship, a word, meetings and the unions, - the interlocutor reports. Then the interlocutor of the director disconnected the phone link.
  The director looked at a calendar, then sighed, and make the decision: "I will go to a cinema. I will watch a historical film". "For example, the film about Mathilda Kschessinskaya". "Very respected people, many deputies showed their interest in this film". "It is necessary to be in a trend".
  October 16, 2018 11:18
  Translation from Russian into English: 16 October 2018 13:03.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Экспресс-скетч о трудном фильме с шумной репутацией'.
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