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The Express Sketch about the radio fairy tales by the "roman senator"

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    The Express Sketch about the radio fairy tales by the "roman senator"

  The Express Sketch about the radio fairy tales by the "roman senator"
  - The taxes!?
  - There are actors in different ways playing the same role. Be an optimistic actress! I mean, a journalistess.
  - The economic stagnation!?
  - Some live on an unearned salary. Increase your efficiency.
  - Super rich oligarchs and ... others?!
  - We don't have oligarchs! You ought to produce an agreement atmosphere, a public dialogue!
  - By whom and in what order you were elected? You are applying for the title of "MP" ("member of parliament")?
  - Read the fairy tale by Carlo Collodi "Pinocchio": "The Story of the wooden doll".
  - Thank You. I'd rather listen to a piece for a mechanical piano....
  October 3, 2018 20: 19
  Translation from Russian into English: October 3, 2018 20:41.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Экспресс-скетч о радиосказках 'римского сенатора''.
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