Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Fairy Tale about a new themes of radio programs. Series 3

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    The Fairy Tale about a new themes of radio programs. Series 3

  The Fairy Tale about a new themes of radio programs. Series 3
  - Well!!! It became a good!!!
  - What happened!?
  - They're putting Anti-Likes!
  - Why they're putting Anti-Likes?!
  - Have read the message: "Municipal infrastructure demands much bigger investments, than the republic can afford today".
  - The Siberian is not the one who is not afraid of cold, but the one who dresses warmly.
  - "There is a big public debt, it is necessary now to protect in the Ministry of Finance of Russia additional grants for the balancing".
  - In the Ministry of Finance of warm clothes will not be enough ...
  - "Next year it is necessary to adopt the consolidated budget which would be balanced on expenses and income. It is a key task".
  - Eastern wisdom: "Do not let the wind into the house. Keep the window open." Hegel. Dialectics!
  - "Not according to all national projects the federal branch ministries give ... such level of joint financing to raise as much as possible federal funds... But, considering my federal experience, I know that here scrupulous work with the each the ministry is required".
  - Work will be required not a simple. It is clear. It is so conceived.
  - Shakespeare's plot: "The Taming of the Shrew". We do the amendment on a male: "The Taming of the Shrew man".
  - With Shakespeare not everything is simple. "All's Well That Ends Well" ...
  - What to do?!
  - It is necessary to change an information foreshortening. That is, a discourse, a course. That is, a focus.
  - "Focus" - this I like! Your's the proposal?
  - Switch attention to the second reading of the Federal budget. All applications are formed by us. But the third reading requires even more work!
  - It's relevant!
  - Many food are eaten.
  - M-m-m ...
  - Raise the alarm. Let the Bull terrier bark. A Pug - not that caliber. Moreover, you need to throw for Bull terrier a good piece of meat for vivacity.
  - The Bull terrier needs to be encouraged!
  - Suggest a topic: "To eat less!"
  - There is no clarity in this formulation. Now the issues of budget savings come to the fore.
  - I have thought up: "To balance expenses and income!"
  - It is better. A little later we will think, we will correct. Let out the Bull terrier.
  - I have gone to take measures. I don't like this Shakespeare ...
  - Anglo-Saxons, you know. Haven't allowed to steal the Magna Carta from the Cathedral ... Some city madman tried ... They are maneuvering ...
  - I don't like this Hamlet ...
  - To be, or not to be: that is the question!
  - Smells of the King Lear ...
  - Be silent. Take measures!
  - Yes!
  November 12, 2018 15:15
  Translation from Russian into English: November 12, 2018 16:27.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о новой тематике радиопередач. Серия 3'.
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