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The Fairy Tale of how Yuri Trifonov decided to write the novel "Preliminary Results"

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    The Fairy Tale of how Yuri Trifonov decided to write the novel "Preliminary Results"

  The Fairy Tale of how Yuri Trifonov decided to write the novel "Preliminary Results"
  Yuri Trifonov was sitting in his apartment and wrote:
  "Once at supper Glebov started a careful conversation on article by Kunik which was published in the magazine. He heard long ago that article in work that the editorial office demands amendments that Kunik persists, shows unprecedented adherence to principles, that he in fight against edition reached some highest authorities and nevertheless "punched through" the article. It was told as about an important event in the scientific world. Especially Yulia Mikhaelovna fussed around this event".
  Some sounds on a staircase were heard. "A fresh newspaper?"
  Yuri Trifonov took out a fresh newspaper from his mailbox. "Sketch.". So ... "The plane, which was flying Gabdulla Tukai, landed at the airport Chertovitskoe (Чертовицкое). The airport of a name of Lomonosov (Ломоносов) is temporarily not accepting..."
  "To write the novel "Preliminary Results"", - Yuri Trifonov recorded in the notebook.
  Then he finished the previously started the paragraph: "Glebov, reading, saw that the article is quite average quality and absolutely nothing remarkable, except that according the elusive evidences it is clear that the Russian language for the author is not a native... Glebov gave two or three examples from the article by Kunik. The examples were really striking in the lack of understanding of the style and spirit of the language."
  Having finished the paragraph, Yuri Trifonov went for a walk in the fresh air.
  December 5, 2018 09:02
  Translation from Russian into English: December 5, 2018 09:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о том, как Юрий Трифонов решил написать повесть "Предварительные итоги"".
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