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The guardian of the kino galaxy. Badcomedian and Medinsky. The note

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    The guardian of the kino galaxy. BadComedian and Medinsky. The note.

  The guardian of the kino galaxy. BadComedian and Medinsky. The note.
  "Critical review of the blogger BadComedian [Yevgeny Bazhenov] on "Goalkeeper of the Galaxy"("Вратарь галактики") on YouTube has collected 16.5 million views, and the film itself attracted only about 840 thousand viewers to cinemas, follows from the data of" Kinopoisk ".
  "Fantastic blockbuster with a budget of 960 million rubles. was released in August 2020 and grossed only 106 million rubles in cinemas. (...)
  Fayziev ... presented his new film at the Cinema Foundation in 2014. For the shooting of "Goalkeeper of the Galaxy" was allocated 300 million rubles (on an irrevocable basis), and then another 200 million rubles. - already on the terms of return. (...)
  Work on the project took seven years. " [unofficial translation] (
  (Seven years of a prosperous life - they are worth something. But after all, also, nothing bad will happen in the future ...).
  In the meantime, a new script from the "Russial culture" has become the property of the general public.
  "The criticism of blogger-film reviewer Yevgeny Bazhenov [BadComedian] of the film" Zoya" ("Зоя") was called a bullying by the former Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky in an interview published on November 12 [2021] on the YouTube-channel Metametrica. (...)
  According his [Medinsky's] assessment, the observer [Bazhenov] is not engaged in a critical review of the results of the activities of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, but in creating popularity by "spitting on everything and everyone".
  Editorial comment
  Medinsky replaces the criticism of the film with the criticism of the memory of the Soviet heroine. But the film itself can really be called a mockery of the memory of Kosmodemyanskaya. (...)
  Extreme mistrust is caused by the presented image of the heroine. (...) ... in modern Russian films they show people who would never have been able to defeat Nazi Germany. This is not only forgery, but also direct damage to the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War.
  But the historical memory is still alive, as well as the public demand for an uplifting art [kino art]. Therefore, even such films as "Zoya" are of great interest to the audience. But this speaks not of the quality and value of the film, but of the needs of the society. " [unofficial translation] (
  Medinsky and the persons of a similar cultural and moral level hold significant positions and they are able to influence the flow of state means allocated to "Russial culture."
  It would be much more logical - from the point of view of public interests - to have people like Bazhenov in high positions. When will Bazhenov be given the State Prize and be awarded an order?
  November 15, 2021 04:06
  Translation from Russian into English: November 15, 2021 04:42
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Страж кино-галактики. BadComedian и Мединский. Заметка".
  { 2539. Страж кино-галактики. BadComedian и Мединский. Заметка.
  MMDIX. The guardian of the kino galaxy. BadComedian and Medinsky. The note. (English). }
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