Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

The incident with Lipnitsky and the Russial culture. The note

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    The incident with Lipnitsky and the Russial culture. The note.

  The incident with Lipnitsky and the Russial culture. The note.
  The media informs. There was an incident with Lipnitsky. With Alexander Lipnitsky.
  Why are they informing us? Why do we receiving information about this?
  Because Alexander Lipnitsky is an important figure of a Russial culture.
  If so, then, naturally, we do not stand aside and begin to look at the pages on the Internet.
  At first, such an employment takes us to Artemy Troitsky and his Facebook content. So ... It's interesting ... But, involuntarily, some questions arise ... Why do I need all this? Where does Artemy Troitsky live now? There is, of course, somewhere a wonderful world ... But not everyone is destined to live in it ...
  We scroll further. Okunevskaya, an actress with a tragic fate, famous in the past, appears.
  Information about Okunevskaya, about her children, about her husbands, about her relatives ... Is Lipnitsky a relative of Okunevskaya?
  Somewhere aside - our dear Leonid Ilyich. He's not who is nearby. But he's not that far. He is not as far away as he was far from hundreds of millions ... And the big powerful Sun - it is capable of warming the surrounding with its rays ...
  Questions again: so what? And why do I need it?
  Well, yes, a culture ...
  Finally, a dacha (country house and land plot) on Nikolina Gora (village) and everything connected with this dacha.
  Enviable, a little, I will not hide ... A man is weak ...
  However, Vysotsky also lived by an energetic life ... And what, to take as a model? ..
  A lot of time has been spent reading these pages.
  What about a culture?
  I got a little distracted from the Internet, from reading pages ...
  Suddenly, the understanding came. Better understanding of certain nuances of Russial culture ...
  This is where The Dear Comrades are coming out from ...
  March 26, 2021 21:24
  Translation from Russian into English: March 26, 2021 22:03.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Происшествие с Липницким и российская культура. Заметка'.
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