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The Monologue about intentions of the "West" in Venezuela

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    The Monologue about intentions of the "West" in Venezuela

  The Monologue about intentions of the "West" in Venezuela
  "Humanitarian aid cannot be received ..."
  Very much it is a dangerous thing - a humanitarian aid ...
  Someone "eats" these preventions.
  But not the all.
  Humanitarian aid "became" a part of the world history.
  For example. "By estimates of Narkomvneshtorg [the Soviet Ministry of forein trade], the ARA [American aid administration] imported [into the Soviet Russia] 36.3 million poods (apprx. 595 thousand tons) food, medicines and clothes with a total cost of 136 million rubles gold. Foreign trade. 1922. No. 11. More than 15 thousand dining rooms were open for food of starving. In July, 1922 food in a dinner rooms of ARA and a ration of corn received 8.8 million people, and in August − received 10.3 million (...)
  The letter sent to the head of ARA Herbert Hoover by Maxim Gorky contains the following assessment of activity of ARA and its management:
  "Your help will be entered in history as unique, huge fulfillment, worthy the greatest glory, and for a long time will remain in memory of millions of Russians... whom you saved from death"" (Wikipedia. Article "American Administration of the Help").
  Generally, not all believe that humanitarian aid - is a dangerous thing.
  Somehow difficult (so far) for the humanitarian aid to cross the border of Venezuela?
  Something (someone) prevents?
  Not everything is simple with border.
  Several members of the European Parliament tried to cross border for acquaintance to a situation in Venezuela.
  Not hospitably they were met on border ...
  Perhaps, members of the European Parliament "are so dangerous", like the humanitarian aid?
  Nevermind! Those who against a humanitarian aid, against an openness, they - offer the people of Venezuela attractive prospects!
  And what prospects?
  Not to consider as an attractive such prospects as:
  1. Inflation growth,
  2. Rise in crime.
  3. Poverty growth.
  4. Emigration growth ...
  I do not think that someone doubts a mind qualities of the management of armed forces of Venezuela. Semiliterate narrow-minded people do not direct the armed forces.
  But it is not so simple to pass from a layer of the highest elite into a layer of the "ordinary" citizens. There is also a probability of legal prosecution.
  There are rumors of some dark deeds....
  Could not a sincere person who opposes "American imperialism" and and who protects the "interests" of the people of Venezuela, to promote the involvement of someone in the dark affairs...
  In a word, a humanitarian aid and an openness is the "weapon" of the "West" ...
  In France protests of 'yellow vests', perhaps, from street level will move to a parliamentary level. And if do not pass, then the acting political elite anyway will consider the interests of protesters. No one pushes the Parliament "aside".
  Another matter - the parliament in Venezuela. Some difficulties arose at parliament in Venezuela ...
  I suppose that Venezuela will change with difficulty, and the France - with the melodies of French composers and the famous songs of French singers.
  But France, Venezuela and many other countries share an overall, a common problem.
  By itself the aspiration to high salary, rather short working day, a lunch break, a holiday (vacation) and the other social benefits seemed natural.
  And if a person, ready to work 24 hours a day without interruption and holidays (vacations) , almost without salary, to you suggests to enter with him into a competition?
  There is a situation of quite difficult choice ... (What to do? "To bowl off"? "Quit"? 'To stop your personal participation in a game?' To work for 25 hours a day without any payment?... Quite strange the option of result of the centuries-old European aspiration to a normal life turns out ...).
  But in Venezuela the attention on such manifestations of the "West" as a humanitarian aid and an openness is focused now.
  Difficulties (so far) arise and for humanitarian aid, and for members of the European Parliament when crossing the border of Venezuela...
  February 19, 2019 02:32
  Translation from Russian into English: February 19, 2019 03:31.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог о намерениях 'Запада' в Венесуэле'.
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