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The Monologue about subcultures

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    The Monologue about subcultures

  The Monologue about subcultures
  There are subjects - which are the "developing" themes. Any judgment on such subjects - not final, not complete.
  Let's say the concept "culture" - what it means? It was discussed, it is discuss and it will be discuss.
  "In an atrium of the Bolshoi Theatre awards were presented on December 28 to cultural figures and arts, in particular - to a star of series "Criminal brigade" Dmitry Dyuzhev and to a star of the movie "Boomer" Andrey Merzlikin.
  Actors were awarded ranks "Merited Artist of the Russia", RIA Novosti tells. Together with them it was received by actors Victor Dobronravov, Daria Moroz, Yulia Peresild, Svetlana Hodchenkova, the ballet dancer Anna Nikulina, the pianist Ekaterina Mechetina ...".
  It is one of the uncountable articles which are posted online.
  And this article attracted my attention to her with the finishing phrase:
  "Earlier Pavel Maykov, a star of "Criminal brigade", called this series the "crime against Russia"".
  And what opinion on this occasion can be expressed?
  Perhaps, I also watched this "Criminal brigade" (some fragments), but after this watching there are no a clear memoirs left till today.
  There a some time passes, some surnames from this article "emerge", and comes to memory that you once were interested in someone from these surnames: in Wikipedia you read the article.
  What were a surprising points in this article? Suddenly started personality nowadays is involved every year in a preparing of many films. The titles of movies in itself do not speak about anything, I personally did not watch them, and does not intend to watch (at the moment).
  But if the surname appeared in article, the thought moves further: if all movies to summarize, calculate costs of their production - what sums will turn out? What? Are there any cash fees? Or money were allocated from the budget and were dispersed among characters, actors?
  But there are people who earn independently. Probably, they had an opinion: "The actor, the singer are an interesting life. You come to a concert. The public gathered. You sang the songs which are earlier promised. You received a share (percentage) from revenue for tickets. Also you live further according to the personal plans".
  But not so everything is simple. The singer comes to a concert, he is waited by public, audience bought up tickets and wishes to listen to songs. BUT ...
  I will state judgment (assumption) - not final, not complete.
  Perhaps, there is a disintegration of culture on a separate subcultures?
  Someone sings, and someone acts in movies ... Someone through "a food chain" receives budget money, and someone tries (successfully? unsuccessfully?) to earn money independently ...
  How in such situation to define, who has "merits" before culture, and who does not have them?
  Some people, it seems, remained from a past epoch, people to which, it seems, the trust remains. But they quietly live somewhere somehow. They especially do not show themselves. To ask them? But why to bother them? They are not inclined to demonstration of their personalities ...
  How to be with a written allegations about presence at "someone" of a merits before culture?
  Someone will tell that they (written allegations) are not necessary ...
  I have a fresh proposal: "to establish the title of Merited Worker of sub-culture." Maybe to clarify: of criminal sub-culture. Or - of a video-luboks sub-culture.
  To try: to look that to turn out ... The proposal is not final, not complete...
  To suggest to make of a written allegations about presence at "someone" of merits before culture a kind of a lottery prize (prize of a sure-fire lottery )? - But it is some absolutely unusual option. I am not ready to put forward it for consideration.
  January 2, 2019 09:54
  Translation from Russian into English: January 2, 2019 12:45.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Монолог о суб-культурах".
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