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The moral of Dmitry Baskov. A comment

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    The moral of Dmitry Baskov. A comment.

  The moral of Dmitry Baskov. A comment.
  "19 January 2021
  Dmitry Baskov: it's a pity that the IIHF became a victim of political games around Belarus
  Commentary of the FHB Chairman on the cancellation of the Minsk part of the 2021 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship.
  - I would like to personally address the representatives of the so-called athletes' solidarity fund. Especially to former professional athletes. Today you are celebrating a victory. You took away a real holiday from the Belarusian people. After that, you cannot be called Belarusians! You are traitors! - Dmitry Baskov, Chairman of the Ice Hockey Federation of Belarus, commented on the decision of the IIHF. - You took the world championship, first of all, from thousands of children playing hockey. These 17 days, during which the World Championship lasts, could attract to our country not only world hockey stars, real idols of millions of boys around the world..., but also tens of thousands of foreign fans and hundreds of media representatives. who could, from their own experience, be convinced of the incredible beauty of Belarus, the hospitality of our people and the level of security in our country. " ( [unofficial translation]
  This text grabs attention!
  I am one of those people who may not be directly affected by the threat posed by famous people in black masks.
  Since I feel an illusory security - people in black masks are at freedom and they are armed - I will take this opportunity to answer Baskov's statement.
  "You are traitors!" - Baskov says.
  Betrayal is a moral concept.
  Baskov, as an official who actively or passively hides lies around of:
  A) the achievements of independent Belarus under the leadership of Lukashenko (in the light of the data on the growth of the state debt of Belarus),
  B) presidential elections in Belarus in August 2020,
  C) torture and other reprisals in the period after the August elections,
  D) the death of Roman Bondarenko,
  E) pseudo-elections to the "All-Belarusian People's Assembly"
  loses the moral right to accuse someone of betrayal or even speak out on moral topics.
  Baskov's moral significance is currently zero.
  As for the "boys" who would be happy about the holding of the World Cup in Belarus, the press periodically reports about mass poisoning of children.
  Hosting the World Cup under the leadership of the Lukashenko's regime would be a dangerous candy in an attractive wrapper.
  Only those people who are capable of participating in secret abductions and fatal beatings of civilians can feed children with poisoned sweets ...
  You, Baskov, have already failed to pass two moral tests:
  - You did not submit your resignation after the torture and repression that followed the August elections in Belarus,
  - You did not condemn the murder of Roman Bondarenko and did not express your attitude to the course of the investigation (or to the lack of investigation?).
  Now you achieved a new moral test, and again the results of this test turned against you.
  Snuggle closer to beloved body and rub against it. Maybe it will help you?
  January 19, 2021 22:46
  Translation from Russian into English: January 20, 2021 21:24.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Мораль Дмитрия Баскова. Комментарий'.
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