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The people's program of United Russia is the theme of interest to Vanya Zhukov. A sketch

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    The people's program of United Russia is the theme of interest to Vanya Zhukov. A sketch.

  The people's program of United Russia is the theme of interest to Vanya Zhukov. A sketch.
  Vanya Zhukov heard on the radio that the People's Program of United Russia had been approved.
  Vanya became interested: how are we going to live next?
  He entered the Internet and, through a search engine, began to search: "The people's program of United Russia".
  He found a file.
  "Program of the Party "United Russia "
  Election program of the All-Russian political party "United Russia" in the elections
  deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation '. [unofficial translation]
  Something confuses Vanya.
  "The party" UNITED RUSSIA "nominates candidates for the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and appeals for support to you, our fellow citizens.
  We strive to work together with each of you for the good of the country, defend national interests, and renew Russia. Make her stronger, more successful and more developed.
  From preserving the unity and independence of the country - to the development of Russia as a sovereign world power - such was and remains the strategic course declared and consistently pursued by the President of Russia V.V. Putin and by the Chairman of the Government D.A. Medvedev. " [unofficial translation]
  Firstly, Vanya suggests, before the change of prime minister, a congress of United Russia was probably convened, and they consulted with United Russia, and secured her consent to such an important event.
  Secondly, even if this is a file with the previous program of "United Russia", the common line (direction) is preserved. The next program has the previous one as its basis.
  Has Vanya read the program and is thinking?
  Where is the cosmic policy? "United Russia" approves the cosmic flight of the actress and director? Which did they pay for?? Or did they not pay? And how much did they pay? Some sources say that they intend to pay two billion rubles ... And the cost of a contract flight of one person on the Soyuz spacecraft to the ISS is about $ 50 million. 50 million dollars multiplied by 2 and multiplied by 73 equals 7 billion 300 million rubles. What's this? A loss from one flight of about 5 billion rubles? So what is the space policy of United Russia? How does she relate to the idea of gradually abandoning the great achievement of the USSR - the presence of a permanently inhabited space station in near-earth orbit?
  Where is the urbanian (urbanistic) policy? If you build a lot, but without preserving green areas and recreational spaces, then huge areas will turn into ghettos ... A person becomes an owner of a housing unit, he is happy. And he is told that the housing problem has been solved - for the first time in history. After a while, the happy homebuyer discovers that he lives in a ghetto-like area ... The recreational politics is close to urbanian politics. Vanya already heard about a new author's approach to recreational and urban policy ...
  Where is the migration policy? It seems William Petty proposed the concept of "national wealth". Is it true that if we put national wealth in the numerator and the number of inhabitants of the country in the denominator, then the result of the division will decrease with an increase in the number in the denominator?
  Vanya does not find in the text he found neither cosmic, nor urbanian, nor recreational, nor migration policy. And what about the policy of fire-prevention measures in (for) the taiga? Some people express concern that soon the taiga on the territory of Russia may disappear ... Vanya would like to hope for the best, but there are still fears ...
  Vanya is going to continue searching ...
  August 25, 2021 06:24
  [MMСCLXXIV. The sounds of Mu-oo-oo, or the replacing of the intellectual payment with ideas for discussion. (Sounds of Mu continues). A diary note. - July 19, 2021.].
  Translation from Russian into English: August 25, 2021 07:11
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Народная программа Единой России интересует Ваню Жукова. Скетч'.
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