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The quick roof repair in an apartment building. A story for children about Seryozha

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    MMMCCXCIV. The quick roof repair in an apartment building. A story for children about Seryozha. - June 12, 2023.

  The quick roof repair in an apartment building. A story for children about Seryozha.
  A day off.
  Seryozha plans to visit the philatelic club.
  Seryozha leaves the entrance and sees a crowd of residents from his apartment building.
  "Roof!" "The roof is damaged!" - exclamations are heard.
  Bad news. Seryozha stops. He has not yet given up the duties of Chairman of the Public Council of the Pool. He is responsible for the state of affairs in his native city.
  - 'Ladies and gentlemen! - Seryozha addresses the public. - Workers from the factory, probably, do not live in our house. And there are enough a creative people, I think.'
  The crowd falls silent.
  - 'No need to worry, misters!' - Seryozha continues. - 'No panic! No fakes!!! We must show a discipline, a unity of the ranks, a composure!'
  He inspects the crowd of residents.
  Not far from Seryozha, two cheerful, tanned guys smile. They are joking. They say to each other: 'I am the President of Antarctica!' 'And I am a schoolgirl activist from Finland!' They playfully push each other and laugh merrily.
  - 'You seem to be phone pranksters.'
  - 'Ha-ha-ha!' - the boys laugh. In their plans - to continue to joke and to play.
  But Seryozha is serious. Everybody can see it by his face.
  Guys take a serious tone:
  - 'Yes, we are phone pranksters.'
  - 'Call the Repair Department. One of you is from the Administration. The other is from the Inspectorate. Ask them when the roof renovation will be completed in this house.'
  The pranksters take out their smartphones and start looking for phone numbers of the Repair Department.
  Serezha continues to inspect the crowd of residents.
  - 'Are you a member of the Imperial Geographical Society?' - Seryozha asks (of) a well-fed and well-dressed man with a pleasant thick beard, surrounded by seven children.
  - 'Not only of the Imperial Geographical Society, but also the Charitable Association of Grand Prince Alexander.'
  "He travels around the country and abroad!" - whispers are heard from the crowd. - 'He shoots tourist films and sells them on the DND channel. He have to deal with the side-deals, but ... such is a life ... ".
  - 'Take the video equipment, make video material!' - Seryozha instructs (of) the plump bearded man. - 'It would be nice not only to show our house, but to make, to create an intrigue, a comparison. Our house, other buildings. Post it online!'
  The bearded man goes for video equipment.
  - 'Are you a broker?' - Seryozha asks (of) a man in a white shirt, blue pants and with a beautiful leather briefcase.
  - 'Yes.'
  - 'Play at market in favor of a lower prices for a roof repair materials.'
  - 'Okay!'
  - 'Are you a TV presenter?' - Seryozha asks (of) a young woman in a pleasant light business suit.
  - 'Yes! I host the TV show "My City"!'
  - 'Give a report on the air that the repair of the roof is progressing quickly and without problems, there is no reason to worry.'
  Seryozha's gaze turns to a woman who subtly resembles to others a fortune teller:
  - 'Cash-back?'
  - 'Why not?'
  - 'Will you be able to temporarily accommodate residents from the top floor - during the period of the repair of the roof?'
  - 'We'll place them!'
  Seryozha pauses and continues:
  - 'I, as the Chairman of the Public Council of the Pool, ask everyone to disperse. A permission to hold mass events, as far as I understand, was not received. And the roof, - it can be considered, - has already been repaired.'
  A thin young man in clothes (out of a second-hand fashion store) comes up to Seryozha.
  - 'You said that there are no people from the factory here. I work in a factory, - behind a machine. I live here in the apartment of my aunt (near her family), temporarily. There is not enough money at me to rent an apartment yet. Could you borrow me money for travel by public transport?'
  Seryozha looks at the residents from his apartment building, who are starting to disperse:
  - 'Misters! The young man is in a difficult financial situation. Help, who how can!'
  Seryozha takes off his baseball cap and walks around the residents.
  Someone does not give anything, someone throws a coin, someone - a banknote.
  Enough for travel by public transport.
  - 'I, myself, am a schoolboy, still. I don't have my own income, I can't help you out of my personal funds. But here the means which I collected.'
  Seryozha hands over the collected money to a young man dressed clothes from second-hand store.
  - 'A mutual assistance, the assistance to fellow citizens is written in our genetic code! - Seryozha speaks loudly. And he leaves to the club of philatelists. The roof is repaired.
  June 12, 2023 09:27
  Translation from Russian into English: June 12, 2023 20:30
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Быстрый ремонт крыши в многоквартирном доме. Рассказ для детей о Серёже '.
  { 3323. Быстрый ремонт крыши в многоквартирном доме. Рассказ для детей о Серёже. - 12 июня 2023 г.
  MMMCCXCIV. The quick roof repair in an apartment building. A story for children about Seryozha. - June 12, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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