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The Review of the new Yekaterinburg matryoshka-performance

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    The Review of the new Yekaterinburg matryoshka-performance

  The Review of the new Yekaterinburg matryoshka-performance
  "Our era can be called the era of performances", - Sergei Sergeyevich reflected - "And modern culture, perhaps, can be called the culture of performances".
  "What this the cross is, which was created in Yekaterinburg? When was it created? July 7, 2019?"("There are more questions than answers in this story. For example, if it is negligence of the contractor - Ordzhonikidzevsky DEU - why works of asphalting of a track began next day after the termination of work of the artist?"
  "What if I write something, like a review?" At the disposal of Sergei Sergeyevich there were photos of the cross (posted on the Internet)
  "Can this cross be attributed to a works of art?"
  "Probably, it is possible".
  Sergei Sergeyevich liked, the contours, outlines, proportions of the cross, the color scheme ("the Work will be in white, red and black colors") . "It is clear that the cross can be attributed to works of art."
  "Such recognition proves a legitimacy of payment. Any creative activity has to be paid (if only it does not lead to emergence of any doubtful ugliness or sub-ugliness - as at one of the sculptors with a worldwide noisy and dubious fame)."
  Those photos which were at the disposal of Sergei Sergeyevich did not allow to read an inscription which, according to verbal descriptions, was placed inside the contour of a cross.
  Yes, in articles there is a description of this inscription (in a cross). But or the viewer has to understand what is written into a cross, or he should not understand it. What plan of the author? About an author's plan there are no explanations... Perhaps, it is some mystical cross? Even if it is so, then this, in itself, does not call into question a cross as the work of art..."
  "Whether the cross has a name? "Suprematist cross"?"
  "A lot of things in this world are not clear..." "Many audience considers Mona Lisa's smile mysterious and argues on value of this smile many years".
  However the cross, according to the principle of a Matryoshka doll, was inserted into more complicated performance.
  First, on July 19, 2019, they began to put tar on the cross (in the morning), and then (in the afternoon) announced their intention to restore the cross.
  "Official culturologists, it seems, broke off the teeth about a cross". . "They do not like a something, but they failed to formulate their objections clearly and convincingly ." "They had to back out."
  ("The white Suprematist cross" (also "White cross on a gray background", "Suprematism") - a picture painted in the period from 1920 to 1927 by Kazimir Malevich, belongs to the direction of a Russian non-objective painting, called Malevich Suprematism." "In Suprematism, the cross ... is one of the three main figures along with the square and the circle... ' Wikipedia. "When I about it would read?", - Sergei Sergeyevich sighed).
  ("The head of the region Evgeny Kuyvashev called shocking the event on Friday morning on Uralmash where workers began to put asphalt directly over the Pokras Lampas's work"
  "Will they remove the asphalt?"
  Sergei Sergeyevich wrote a main volume of the text of the review and realized that the performance should be continued.
  "The performance is out of control!!!"The loss of control over the performance!!!'
  "If to analyse photos about the placement of asphalt above a cross, then there is an assumption that good money spent (perhaps millions or tens of millions of rubles) for this creative action."
  "The performance continues".
  "Emergence of the main auditoress of area which executes the aria "Mephistopheles's Couplets" is very probable, posts a roller On the Internet with dedication, you know for whom.
  "This idol gold
  Despises will of the sky,
  He is sneering, he produces a changes
  Of the heaven law sacred!"
  After that the main auditoress with a loud a pompous will be dismissed.
  'While I write the review and improve its text, the auditoress will execute couplets, will post online a roller and she will be dismissed'.
  "The review will be - as fresh pie!"
  Sergei Sergeyevich continued work on the review.
  On July 20, 2019 12:40
  Translation from Russian into English: July 20, 2019 14:31.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рецензия на новый екатеринбургский матрешку-перформанс'.
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