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There was a battle in a history. Vladimir Vasilievich makes an attempt to save the history of the defense of Rostov-on-Don in November 1941. An archival essay

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    There was a battle in a history. Vladimir Vasilievich makes an attempt to save the history of the defense of Rostov-on-Don in November 1941. An archival essay.

  There was a battle in a history. Vladimir Vasilievich makes an attempt to save the history of the defense of Rostov-on-Don in November 1941. An archival essay.
  The memory of the Great Patriotic War is sacred. This memory is the basis of the self-consciousness of the Russial (and Soviet) people.
  Of course, both Soviet citizens and ordinary residents of Rostov-on-Don, and representatives of the authorities, and historians of all ranks and categories will be interested in the history of the defense of Rostov-on-Don in November 1941.
  Vladimir Vasilievich is not a historian by education. He studied at a technical university, then worked in Kazakhstan at a mine (he was responsible for the continuous operation of cyclopean motors), then organized R&D in favor of the Soviet submarine Navy (partially at family expense; initially, premises were rented for R&D in different parts of the city, so he had to be at the expense of parents to buy a car; naturally, no money was allocated for the driver, so he had to drive the car himself - for free - and himself - from his own pocket - to pay for gasoline ...).
  But as a person who grew up in a family where history was often talked about, he cannot accept the fact that the defense of Rostov-on-Don in November 1941 (during the first powerful offensive of the Nazi troops and during the first occupation of the city) is not sufficiently covered in historical sources.
  And who should deal with this topic, if not he - the person who personally participated in the events?
  Where to turn?
  Maybe to professional historians?
  He will certainly be greeted warmly and with smiles. But some later questions will follow, such as: 'Where to place this material? After all, this is not a glorification of dear Leonid Ilyich [options] ...'. 'How do those in power relate to the topic?...'
  Logically, it turns out that he need to start with the media, especially since the Soviet press is a party press. If a material on a historical topic is published, then it can be assumed that the topic has been approved by party authorities.
  Contacts are being searched. Somebody somewhere knows someone. Efforts, more efforts ... Searches ... Access to printed publications ...
  Every newspaper has something like 'readers' letters'.
  If a reader wrote a letter and this letter was published, this does not mean that the editors agree with the letter. But any editorial office should keep in touch with readers, and sometimes publish their letters ... Such publications, if even they were not approved, are recognized as a normal, professional phenomenon ... Especially if this is a publication on Victory Day ... (Such a Day is celebrated only once a year, so that - if the editors have doubts, then on the day of May 9, these doubts, as it were, lose half of their significance ...). Moreover, the mother of Vladimir Vasilievich - Zalesskaya Yuzefa Adamovna - was not mentioned by name and patronymic. It is not reported that the Red Army soldiers retreated without weapons - they left weapons in the Zalesskys' apartment, and then, after the liberation of Rostov, they took - safe and sound - weapons, which was neatly stored by Zalesskys (at a mortal risk to life).
  At last, a material appears in the 'Molot' newspaper in issue 108 (20197) dated May 9, 1989 on page 3. (The 'Molot' newspaper is an organ of the Rostov Regional Committee of the CPSU and the regional Council of People's Deputies).
  Under the heading "From the manuscript fund of the editors" there is placed a large material "I'm going to ram!". The title is highlighted - it is printed in large, bold letters. But one should not think that the author of this material is Vladimir Vasilievich. Author A. Epifanov, participant of the Great Patriotic War.
  Below is another title. And the letters are smaller, and not so bold.
  And the title starts with an ellipsis. If a reader is not very attentive, then he may think that this is a continuation of A. Epifanov's publication.
  I would like to tell about a little-known, in my opinion, event that should be preserved in the history of our city. All Rostovites know the monument on Komsomolskaya Square in honor of the Komsomol members who fell in the Great Patriotic War. But, I am sure, few people know that in 1941 a handful of Komsomol-aged fighters fought here with superior forces of the invaders.
  I'll tell you everything in order. Budyonnovsky [avenue] (like many other avenues and streets) was blocked off by a barricade. The barricade was located almost under the balconies of our house [the house at 96/132 Budyonnovsky, according to today's numbering]. In November 1941, in the last entrances of the house [apparently, today's entrances 11, 12, 13] a detachment of Red Army soldiers was placed. There were about eleven of them, each - about twenty years old.
  On the day the Germans entered the city, the soldiers took up defense behind the barricade. They were armed with rifles, including one self-loading, and a light machine gun. There were several mines placed ahead (from side of Taganrog).
  At about ten o'clock in the morning, a large column appeared from the direction of Taganrog, in front of which a patrol was moving on motorcycles with machine guns. The motorcyclists were allowed to get closer about fifty meters and shot [motorcyclists were killed or wounded]. Soviet soldiers opened fire on the column, which stopped a few hundred meters away. Then she dispersed along the front. From the balcony it was clearly seen that the number of military in the column immeasurably outnumbered the number of the defenders. Probably, there were five hundred Germans, and even equipment [military hardware]. After some time, two tanks headed towards the barricade, firing. They came quite close, almost to the line connecting the current monument on Komsomolskaya Square and the corner of the Yunost cinema [Budennovsky, 101/114]. Here one of the tanks was blown up, the crew that jumped out of it was killed. The other tank retreated.
  There was continuous fire from both sides. There were [appeared] wounded among the soldiers. In the apartment on the first floor of our entrance, the owners of which were evacuated, the wounded soldiers were given first aid. I remember how two men dragged under their arms a young Red Army soldier with bloody foam on his lips: he had been shot in the lung. My mom bandaged him. His comrades said that his name was Lenya Starodubtsev and that he was from Salsk. Bandaged here was and a soldier wounded in the hand.
  The Germans entered Rostov-Gora [Rostov-mountain] (now Komsomolskaya Square) only at the end of the day, when it was getting dark.
  The next day I walked along Budyonnovsky and in the area of Sixth [Street] [presumably, now - Cherepakhin St.] saw several dozen dead, but I don't know what happened here. Later I was told that there were those killed by machine guns [placed] on the roof of a shoe factory.
  As you know, seven days later the invaders were driven out. On the very first day of liberation, several fighters from those who fought on the barricade came to our apartment. They said that the wounded were sheltered by the owners of several private houses, while they themselves safely crossed the Don and joined with units of the Red Army. After the liberation of Rostov, they found the wounded, placed them in the hospital. The soldiers left us their addresses. But the next day we went to the evacuation, and, unfortunately, the addresses were lost.
  Around 1962, - unfortunately, I was not at home then, - Lenya Starodubtsev came to visit us.
  Over time, Rostov-Gora [Rostov-mountain] became Komsomolskaya Square, and then a monument was erected here. More than once, rallies of Komsomol members and youth were held here. And I always thought: if only the participants of that battle, who shed blood in the battles for Rostov, would come here [to participate in rallies].
  Unfortunately, my appeals to various authorities with a request to assist in the search for participants in the battles were unsuccessful.
  V. Zalessky.
  Associate Professor at Rostov State University.
  Vladimir Vasilievich read the text of the publication.
  1989 ... And here is the answer (number 3-12261/02), dated December 6, 1984 (signed by the Head of the Department of Propaganda and Agitation of the Regional Committee of the CPSU G. Taranukha): '[Address] To comrade Zalessky V.V.
  Dear Vladimir Vasilievich!
  Your letter, which tells about the battles with the Nazi troops in November 1941 in the city of Rostov, has been received and sent to the regional committee of the Komsomol for use in the work on the patriotic education of youth."
  Vladimir Vasilievich again looks at the newspaper issue of May 9, 1989.
  There were battles, there were victories... It is important to remember our history! The memory of the defenders of the Motherland is sacred!
  [MCCСLXXVI. Vladimir Vasilievich, the Holmes method and a sailor in a train. The story. - April 8, 2020.
  MCCСLXXXV. Vladimir Vasilievich and the first occupation of Rostov-on-Don (in November 1941). The story. - April 9, 2020.
  MCCСLXXXVI. Vladimir Vasilievich and the Georgian city of Gori. The story. - April 9, 2020.
  MCCСLXXXVII. Vladimir Vasilievich in Kazakhstan. The story. - April 10, 2020.
  MDCXLIX. Vladimir Vasilievich and Vuchetich. A historical note. - August 16, 2020.
  MMXVIII. Vladimir Vasilievich and the hunt (for scientific achievements). A story. - February 18, 2021.
  MMXXV. Vladimir Vasilievich and the financing of defense from the family budget. A story. - February 21, 2021.
  MMLXXXVI. A card game, a shoulder straps, a one kopeck of the State Bank. A story. - March 26, 2021.
  MMСCXVII. Vladimir Vasilievich, the boxer and the participant in controlled conflicts. A story. - June 16, 2021.
  MMDCIV. Vladimir Vasilievich talks about visiting the NKVD in 1937. A story. - December 20, 2021.
  MMDCCXCIV. Vladimir Vasilievich and an employee of SMERSH (in connection of the joint safeguard of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant). A story. - February 25, 2022.
  MMDCCCXXXVII. Vasily Alexandrovich writes a certificate for the NKVD. Archive essay. - March 22, 2022.].
  March 25, 2022 22:10
  Translation from Russian into English: March 26, 2022 00:01.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Был бой в истории. Владимир Васильевич делает попытку сохранить историю обороны Ростова-на-Дону в ноябре 1941 года. Архивный очерк'.
  { 2875. Был бой в истории. Владимир Васильевич делает попытку сохранить историю обороны Ростова-на-Дону в ноябре 1941 года. Архивный очерк.
  MMDCCCXLV. There was a battle in a history. Vladimir Vasilievich makes an attempt to save the history of the defense of Rostov-on-Don in November 1941. An archival essay. }
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