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The Rubles (of 1885, 1890, 1891) from the honorarium of Ilya Repin, that was paid out for the portrait of Leo Tolstoy. An antiquarian note

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Rubles (of 1885, 1890, 1891) from the honorarium of Ilya Repin, that was paid out for the portrait of Leo Tolstoy. An antiquarian note.

  The Rubles (of 1885, 1890, 1891) from the honorarium of Ilya Repin, that was paid out for the portrait of Leo Tolstoy. An antiquarian note.
  The heroes of Homer concerned those objects that Heinrich Schliemann found in Greece. Schliemann thought such way.
  Accordingly, there is every reason to believe that all three rubles (1885, 1890, 1891), once accidentally bought by me, are rubles out of the fee of Ilya Repin for the portrait of Leo Tolstoy he created.
  'When a portrait of Leo Tolstoy was bought from Repin, it seemed to Tretyakov that Tolstoy had a very ruddy face. Especially the forehead. The forehead is completely red.
  'It looks like he's from the bath!' Pavel Mikhailovich said displeasedly.
  He kept interrogating us:
  "Have you seen Tolstoy? Does he really have the same ruddy forehead?"
  'Yes,' I say, 'the forehead is not so ruddy."
  'Well, that's how it seems to me, too. Will have to fix it."
  "To invite Ilya Efimovich?" I asked.
  "In no case! He will repaint everything and maybe make it worse."
  He [Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov] walked around the portrait for a month and, finally, one day he instructs me:
  - Bring here some paints, oils and watercolors.
  I have always had an assortment of colors [paints].
  I brought a palette. Tretyakov takes the smallest brush and begins to reduce the redness on the portrait of Tolstoy. The blush on his forehead was zalessed. So the portrait remained, corrected by Tretyakov.
  (From the memoirs by N.A. Mudrogel "Fifty-eight years in the Tretyakov Gallery".) (Из воспоминаний Н.А.Мудрогеля "Пятьдесят восемь лет в Третьяковской галерее".)' [unofficial translation]
  I will search the Internet for data on the average price of each of the coins.
  Maybe put them up for sale in a single lot (a general batch of three coins)?
  To attach a Literary Certificate to them?
  I'll take care of this now...
  ... I have compiled and posted the text of the announcement of the sale:
  '1 ruble of 1885, 1 ruble of 1890, 1 ruble of 1891 (the period of reign of Emperor Alexander III).
  They made of white metal, presumably of silver (the chemical analysis of the metal and the examination of authenticity were not carried out).
  Coins condition: 131 years or more (2022-1891=131) have left their marks. The coins look good.
  [Data from the Internet: Ruble of 1885: average price 69,000 (sixty-nine thousand) RUB. Ruble of 1890: average price 130,000 RUB. Ruble of 1891: average price 80,000 RUB.
  Thus the total average price: 279,000 RUB ]
  Literary Certificate included [attached] .
  Pickup, mail.
  The price level may be discussed.
  The price, RUB: 100,000'.
  [MMMCLXII. A small antique experiment on the sale of the coronation ruble. An antique note. - October 2, 2022.
  MMMCLXIV. Alexander Suvorov's ruble. Tsarist rubles as a tutorial products. An antique note. - October 4, 2022.
  MMMCLXV. A selling of the film (which was shot in 2017). A semi-antique note. - October 6, 2022.].
  MMMCLXVI. Alexander Pushkin's ruble. Tsarist rubles as a tutorial products on a history of a culture. An antique note. - October 6, 2022.
  MMMCLXVII. I am selling the Pushkin's coin (of 1836). An antique note. - October 7, 2022.
  MMMCLXVIII. A small experiment to sell a hundred-year-old document. A semi-antique note. -
  October 7, 2022.
  MMMCLXX. The Ruble of Peter the Great. An antique note. - October 9, 2022.].
  MMMCLXXI. I am putting up for sale a document on the return from evacuation in 1944 of the defenders of Rostov-on-Don (who participated in the defense of the city in November 1941). A semi-antique note. - October 9, 2022.
  MMMCLXXII. The Ruble of Prince Menshikov (1859). An antique note. - October 11, 2022.
  MMMCLXXIII. A Literary Certificate for the Ruble of Prince Menshikov. An app-antiquarian note. - October 12, 2022.].
  October 13, 2022 05:40
  Translation from Russian into English: October 13, 2022 08:53.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рубли (1885, 1890, 1891) из гонорара Ильи Репина за портрет Льва Толстого. Антикварная заметка'.
  { 3203. Рубли (1885, 1890, 1891) из гонорара Ильи Репина за портрет Льва Толстого. Антикварная заметка.
  MMMCLXXIV. The Rubles (of 1885, 1890, 1891) from the honorarium of Ilya Repin, that was paid out for the portrait of Leo Tolstoy. An antiquarian note.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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