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The Short Story about five visions of the General

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    The Short Story about five visions of the General

  The Short Story about five visions of the General
  The king Alfonso XIII onboard the light cruiser "Prince of Asturias" last time could look at the country which he rules of 29 years which he loved and to which he wished well only. He has gone to France without renunciation, formally continuing to remain the king of Spain.
  The vision has dreamed the general. The ships with the expedition go to the global cruise, the first in the history.
  The general woke up and thought: 'Well, we are in floating. The king is far. But he always trusted me. The king thought it possible to call me "dear friend" in his letters. He did not agree with the officials of the military Ministry and after my appeal gave me the rank of commandant (major). I'm the infantry general. But my ancestors were closely connected with the sea. And the ability to act independently in the long time voyages is in my blood'.
  The Republic was in streams of events. New and new circumstances pleased some people and confused others more and more.
  The vision has dreamed the general. Alguacil de Espinosa focuses the strength of mind and courage. He feels that the time comes to fulfill the duty.
  The general has woken up and has thought: the ship is a territory of Spain. Officials act on the ship independently from the central power. Spain is not those who speak much, and hopes for a lot of things. Spain is several small territories of the mountainous earth, managed to keep themselves and survive, to widen thanks to firmness and courage of invincible people to the whole peninsula.
  Events shook and changed the country. But many residents of Spain were alarmed by the attitude of the Republican authorities to religion and traditions, were alarmed by the spread strange gullibility towards the fantastic projects of the future.
  The general have seen during a dream the alguacil de Espinosa. According the request of the head of the expedition Ferdinand Magellan the alguacil de Espinosa have arrived at one of emerged from the obedience ships and has demanded from the head of rebellions to give up. After the refusal of the head of rebels de Espinosa has pinned up leader of mutiny a dagger, and then by means of the appeared seamen, sent by Magellan, has restored control over the ship.
  The general woke up and thought: 'It's time to act!'
  Time went. Despite all historical whirlpools Spain surely became a part of the updated post-war Europe.
  The vision has dreamed the general. After unhappy death of Ferdinand Magellan participants of the expedition don't lose strength of mind, continue to act surely, persistently move to a victory.
  "Our task is the successfully completion of the long voyage!" - the general has thought.
  The era of the general's rule was completed. The monarchy was restored.
  The vision has dreamed the general: the ship under del Cano's command comes back to Spain with the sounds of salute of a cannons. And through some time de Espinosa also comes back to Spain.
  The general has woken up and has thought: the floating is successfully completing. Someone will doubt that floating was successful. But nobody will call into question the circumstance that Spain has managed to evade from participation both in the first, and in the second world wars. And what number of the victims in these world wars was - about it any person can learn from textbooks of history.
  The general took a book and read in it a fragment about how during the civil war both opposing sides did a lull into combat activities for a lunch. "From the outside it is not so easy to understand Spain," - smiled the General.
  The general returned the book to the bookshelf , and involuntarily looked at the book standing nearby, from somewhere among the books of the general was the historical biography (in Russian): Krelenko D. M. "Francisco Franco: Way to the power".
  The general looked at the blue sky. "Above all Spain - the cloudless sky!'
  June 30, 2018, July 2, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: June 30, 2018, July 2, 2018. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о пяти снах генерала'.
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