Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Short Story about the festive day of Sergei Sergeyevich

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Short Story about the festive day of Sergei Sergeyevich

  The Short Story about the festive day of Sergei Sergeyevich
  Sergei Sergeyevich stood near the bus station. In a pocket 525 rubles, the ticket for the suburban bus and gloves lay.
  The announcer will make the announcement and Sergei Sergeyevich will take the place in the bus.
  Suddenly the woman in colorful clothes approached and stared into the Sergei Sergeyevich's eyes: "Give for luck I will tell fortunes!"
  After a while Sergei Sergeyevich regained consciousness. The bus already went to flight - without him. In a pocket 25 rubles, the unnecessary ticket and gloves lay.
  The tray stood nearby. There was a game by thimbles. Sergei Sergeyevich quickly left 25 rubles here.
  The world not without kind people. Nearby the smiling person waved a hand to Sergei Sergeyevich: "Approach to here!" The partner for an elementary card game was required. Sergei Sergeyevich lost gloves.
  In a pocket there was an unnecessary ticket for the bus. Sergei Sergeyevich in embarrassment came into the building of bus station and sat down on a bench.
  Nearby two women entertained each other with terrible stories about accidents on the roads: someone in snow got stuck, and someone on the slippery road turned over.
  Sergey Sergeyevich suddenly thought that he was largely lucky today. What is 525 rubles? What is gloves, bought last spring in a supermarket on the cheap? He escaped from serious troubles! It is a holiday! A festive day! It is possible to sympathize with passengers of the bus which turned over on the slippery road. Firstly, cold. December, after all. Secondly, someone is scared. Thirdly, many of the victims are in pain.
  Sergei Sergeyevich thought that life is a complicated thing, and felt a surge of vivacity.
  December 12, 2018 17:17
  Translation from Russian into English: 12 December 2018 17:42.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о праздничном дне Сергея Сергеевича'.
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