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The Short Story of the seventeenth number "from Pushkin"

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    The Short Story of the seventeenth number "from Pushkin"

  The Short Story of the seventeenth number "from Pushkin'
  Anton Pavlovich Chekhov comes to Maxim Gorky's cafe-library.
  Readers of library were delighted to his arrival and have begun to ask him:
  - Anton Pavlovich, we heard the opinion that Gogol had a presentiment of the Crimean war (1853-1856) and its results, and You - of the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) and its consequences. Of course, we are talking about a very generalized foreboding, in an art form, in an art representation. In this sense, someone may call Gogol predecessor of Chekhov. But what about Pushkin?
  - Pushkin - our everything!
  - It is clear. But some people say, what Pushkin after the events of December 25, 1825 and after the call to the tsar read to Nicholas I a fragments of "Boris Godunov". "Boris Godunov" - the work ingenious. But the interconnection of "Boris Godunov" with events of February-March, 1917, with overthrow of a dynasty of Romanov, and, in general, with falling of the monarchy in Russia, - this interconnection seems a little artificial.
  - Pushkin - the Sun of the Russian literature!
  - We agree. But we read "Ward No. 6", we meet her characters. How do characters of "Ward No. 6" correspond to characters of "Boris Godunov"?
  - And a fool for Christ (yurodivy, Holy Fool), - he whether isn't a person, somewhat not quite normal from a point of view of some people?
  - Of course, the element of truth in such point of view is presented. But a distance between the "Holy Fool", one of characters of "Boris Godunov", and patients of "Ward No. 6" nevertheless extremely big.
  - Pushkin is the founder of modern Russian literature!
  - We understand it and we support. But it would be desirable to understand how Pushkin and his creativity influenced you when writing "Ward No. 6".
  "I have come into library", - Chekhov has thought, - "I wanted to remember with Gorky the honorariums, restaurants, the Crimea, The Art Theater ..." ""well, well... A nice".
  Chekhov has sighed and said to readers:
  - The Pushkin's works need to be read and known!
  - We read! We read!
  - Here and perfectly! And whom was Germann, the main character of "The Queen of Spades" by Pushkin?
  - He was an engineer! Engineering military officer!
  - And what this engineering officer has constructed? What has he created?
  Readers have in embarrassment become silent.
  - By what way this Germann, the engineer, engineering military officer, has decided to be approved in life? He was shuffling a decks of cards, a playing cards? Rewrote love letters from the German novel? Attempted to find out mysterious three cards? "Three, seven, ace!" He was staking in a card game? And what was the end of this, so-called, engineer??
  Readers continued to be silent in embarrassment.
  - It seems, he has gone crazy and he has appeared in hospital, - someone from readers has spoken.
  - And in what "number" [room] he has appeared?
  Readers again remained silent.
  - How many will 7 minus 1? - Chekhov joked.
  - 17! His "number" was 17, - Anton Pavlovich explained.
  Taking advantage of the silence of readers, Chekhov repeated:
  - Read Pushkin, gentlemen!
  And, thanking the readers of the library for their attention, Chekhov went toward Maxim Gorky - to remember together the honorariums, restaurants, Crimea, The Art Theatre...
  September 26, 2018 20:54
  Translation from Russian into English: September 27, 2018 19:53.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о семнадцатом нумере 'из Пушкина''.
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