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The Sketch about a writers, who live well at Rus"

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    The Sketch about a writers, who live well at Rus"

  The Sketch about a writers, who live well at Rus"
  The radiolistener turned on the radio.
  Some the interviewer - he is supposed to be considered popular (He posts his interviews on YouTube - hence, he is a progressive and independent person).
  Questions are addressed to the writer. He is also a well-known person - if someone more or less regularly listens to radio programs "about culture".
  The writer wrote a script and a novel about a historical episode (about the development of Siberia). He showed freedom and independence - insisted on something and he removed his name from the credits (titres) of the film. However, from periodic radio programs and so it is known, that he wrote for movie the scenario.
  The interviewer leads the talk towards two topics:
  - I'm about the financial aspect of writer's work...
  - I can't comment on anything... I have a producer center, a producer... The producer knows about my finances... I don't even know how much money I have in my account in bank...
  (In fact, writers have agents, movies "have" producers... Well...)
  - Do you rent?
  (What do you rent? Apartment? House? A villa in Italy?)
  - No, I do not rent...
  - How much do you get?
  - Questions to the producer...
  The radio listener begins to remember the famous singer. This singer was very popular at the beginning of his career. Then, he changed his political orientation. He was deprived of the pleasure of cooperation with a well-known producer center... Next, the debts for communal services... Participation in corporate events in some Ural (or Siberian) city... Not understandable, a sudden death...
  - But you can live on the incomes from your literary activity?...
  - I am engaged in creativity, other subjects aren't interesting to me...
  - They say that 20 years ago (!) you could get an advance payment for the script - $ 50,000...
  The recount of the dollars for rubles begins - during the radio program.
  While these calculations are going out loud, the listener remembers one producer. He knows influential people from the world of a movie business. (Budget allocations for culture!). Now this producer is busy with what he a "projects" buys and sells ...
  - I'm focused on creativity! - the writer is in no hurry to approach the financial topic.
  - But what a means do you live on? Can you travel, can you to live "without problems"?
  - Yes, I can. I have copyrights, they periodically are sold anew ...
  (Who was just as popular? Maxim Gorky before the revolution of 1905? He included the works of his friend Leonid Andreev in the literary collection, published them... "For the first book Leonid Andreev received from the Gorky's "Knowledge" [publishing house] 5642 rubles (instead of 300 rubles, which the competing publisher Sytin promised to pay). The needy person Andreev was immediately transformed into a wealthy man with this sum " (Wikipedia).... There were times... Maybe they're coming back....)
  - So, You can live on the income from your literary works?
  - Yes, I have 20 books. Copyrights are sold periodically. I can live on the income from my literary works. My financial matters are handled by the producer center. I don't know how much money I have in my account...
  The interviewer moves on to the final question:
  - Your attitude to the modern "situation".
  - "Situation" meets the deep needs of the people...
  The interviewer goes to the radio station. "A writer can live on the income from his literary work!"
  The interview is aired.
  Everything is good! It is good to live to writers in Russia! 20 ago? In 1904? "In times of Gorky"?
  May 25, 2019 10:35
  Translation from Russian into English: May 25, 2019 18:43.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч каким писателям на Руси жить хорошо".
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