Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Sketch about literary awards ... Lyceum and Yunost ... the Fruits of Enlightenment ...

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    The Sketch about literary awards ... Lyceum and Yunost ... the Fruits of Enlightenment ...

  The Sketch about literary awards ... Lyceum and Yunost ... the Fruits of Enlightenment ...
  A young man is going along a life way. At some point he feels a literary potential.
  Somehow, the prospective writer learns about the existence of the premium "the Lyceum".
  "Financial support for the award is provided entirely by the South Korean group of companies Lotte. The prize Fund is 4.8 million rubles." - TASS reports.
  The young writer has already written something. "What do I risk if I try?" He sends the result of own creative activities to representatives of the premium "the Lyceum".
  At this point, it would be possible to philosophize.
  If a young person will be the winner, then - then what?
  It is clear that after receiving the award, he can surely consider himself a successful writer...
  That's clear.
  What about the publication of books, the opportunity to live off creative literary work?
  There are statistics... Statistics not very clear. But there is...
  In order for the publication of the book to be economically viable, the circulation of the book should be, like, about 40,000 copies.
  In General, books are published - if they are published - in smaller quantities. The circulation of 1000 - 3000 copies most often noted.
  It is theoretically possible to imagine that a film company buys the movie rights (a young writer! - a premium! - a support for young talents! - a Money from the budget to "support" the movie...).
  Theoretically this cannot be ruled out. But how much can the purchase of rights give the author in addition?
  A million rubles? It's not bad...
  The cost of living in Russia is a mystery. But immigrants from Russia say that you need to have money for three years of life during the period of adaptation abroad. One thousand dollars a month. Announced, also, the amount of $ 500,000 for 3 years (this may be in the presence of some additional conditions and circumstances).
  In General, a million rubles - it's not bad...
  During what a period a young talented writer will be able to provide an own existence and own creativity with this money (a possible literary premium and possible income from the sale of rights)?
  As the writer Yuri Trifonov (the State Stalin (literary) Prize winner) said about some illusions of a close woman: "She thought that I would receive the award (prize) every year."
  Will it be possible to receive every year?
  Yuri Trifonov, has become the State Stalin (literary) Prize winner, was looking for own themes, own tone, own style. He lived in Turkmenistan for a relatively long time.
  If I remember correctly, he wrote a story about a Spaniard who lived in the USSR after the Spanish civil war. Wrote, and felt: it began to turn out ... He manages to find the way...
  Yuri Trifonov, the prize winner (!!!), for the Turkmen realities of that time - a Moscow "representative" (a kind of guest "from the authorities"), and the creative competition in Turkmenistan was relatively weak, life there was relatively cheap...
  He was going along a life way... He was reflecting ... He was looking for ... He was writing...
  But it is "variant of the prize winner".
  Not all will be winners. TASS adds: "Russian President's Adviser on culture Vladimir Tolstoy stressed that all the finalists are winners. "There are no losers here, I understand the disappointment ... of those who do not receive this prize, my wishes to the organizers of the Lyceum award - to come up with something for each of those sitting here, they are all winners - behind them there were 2000 other applicants," he said.'
  The expert Council considered 2536 works...
  If the overwhelming number of applicants have no ability and will never be able to publish their books with a circulation of 40,000 copies (and more), to live on fees, then what is the meaning of the award?
  A philosophical question... No one can say - just nobody can't say - that the prize is a something negative...
  By the way, I open Wikipedia article about Leo Tolstoy.
  With some effort, I learn that he is the winner of the Griboyedov prize in 1892 for "The Fruits of Enlightenment"... And it's "all"?...
  Lev Nikolaevich had not "awards", he had readers. He and readers had the Russian literature. There was a phenomenon that was taken for granted - the national book market. Readers had an interest in Tolstoy's works, readers had a desire to read works by Tolstoy ...
  Lev Nikolaevich was a man of wealth, man hardworking and business.
  I find it difficult to assess how significant the income from literary activity was for him. But I heard that these incomes were the subject of family discussions - that is, were very noticeable...
  As for the special prize of the magazine "Yunost" ("Youth") (mentioned in the message TASS from June 6, 2019) ... Once ... in an ancient times ... I read this magazine... At one time I gladly read in this magazine "New year in October" by Andrei Molchanov ... Even I once found a brief biography of A. Molchanov ... It was interesting - who he is... Now for some reason I the "Youth" magazine do not read...
  "During the session, held in complete darkness, Tatiana, is hiding... She is forced to perform many actions: to knock on the wall, to touch the participants with threads, to throw a pillows, to ring the bell...
  When the living room is empty, Tatiana quietly gets out from under the sofa and stumbles upon the footman Gregory, who long and unsuccessfully caring for the girl. He puts a condition: or Tanya responds to feelings of Gregory, or the family finds out about her "trickery'...
  ... Involuntarily lingering in the city, the peasants listen ... many amusing stories ...: so, in the coachman room settled three dogs... ; kitchen works around the clock, because Breakfast, lunch and dinner are in the house almost without interruption; the main interests of the manor owners - a card play, a spiritism and a participation in charitable societies" (Wikipedia. "Fruits of enlightenment" [Comedy in four acts, written by Leo Tolstoy in 1890]).
  June 7, 2019 4:14
  Translation from Russian into English: June 7, 2019 12:33.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о премиях... Лицей и Юность... плоды просвещения...'.
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