Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The skillful mayor and a creative thinking. A story

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    The skillful mayor and a creative thinking. A story.

  The skillful mayor and a creative thinking. A story.
  Andrey saw a message about the upcoming elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  Yes, given all the circumstances, the elections may not be easy ...
  Surely the former mayor will try to get into the new Duma - the case of the botanical garden remains relevant, and many other circumstances ...
  However, it was a time of youth, hopes, aspirations, a new movement.
  Andrey decided to write something positive about the former mayor.
  What positive qualities did the former mayor have?..
  Andrey was thinking ...
  For example, creative thinking, unexpected approaches. Even if you look at the situation with the botanical garden from this point of view, then not every person would come up with such an idea (the botanical garden, most likely, did not belong to the mayor's office, and, moreover, the garden did not belong to the mayor personally). And stories with sudden misfortunes of a human rights defender during the trial, with various other themes. The mayor was not involved in them. But the lack of involvement in such matters just demonstrates and shows in a favorable light the creative potential of a person!
  What to write?
  There is a story about the mayor's patronage of a young journalist.
  Once a young talented journalist appeared in the regional center.
  This journalist made a good impression on the mayor with his abilities, and soon after the journalist a new city newspaper, owned by the mayor's office, appeared in the city.
  The whole human rights community was pleasantly invigorated and felt a light envy.
  The newspaper turned out to be really interesting.
  She was somehow fresh, with new themes. But she did not forget to publish the city legal acts.
  At that time, emotions related to the struggle against the Rostov (Volgodonsk) nuclear power plant were in the air, and the public mind of the local initiative persons tried to evaluate the people in power, and, if possible, pinned hopes on certain people. Among the persons who were supposed to be classified as secret enemies of the nuclear power plant, it was supposed to include the mayor.
  Of course, what could the mayor really do against the nuclear power plant? - issues were resolved at the federal and regional levels. But all the same, the representatives of the environmental community were pleased that they were not the only ones with such initiative. It's just right. The mayor, deep in his heart, supports! ... (As the subsequent development of events showed, all this was written on the water with a pitchfork ...).
  So, next to the mayor, a young promising journalist, made by the mayor the editor of the city newspaper, began to work. (Perhaps the guy was not only the editor of the city newspaper, but also the press secretary of the mayor. But this is information that requires verification).
  Everyone read this newspaper and were pleasantly surprised. First, they were surprised at the creative thinking of the mayor, who nominated young talented people. And, secondly, they were surprised at the creative potential of the young journalist.
  And everything was fine, citizens bought the newspaper, read it, were saturated with positive emotions.
  Suddenly, out of a clear sky, thunder struck!
  An unprecedented scandal of the city level swept the pages of regional and city newspapers.
  The chief editor of the city newspaper was a young, unmarried man. With his position in the city hall, obtaining an apartment for him was not a problem. Due to his age, he still continued to have an interest in the female sex. And a for the respectable (in the official sense) person would not hurt to think about changing marital status.
  Once the editor-in-chief went on some business to a very comfortable hostel (dormitory) in the city center. Both students and people who came for some serious (official) business from different cities and villages lived in it.
  By the will of fate, the editor-in-chief gradually found himself in a room where some female students lived, and spent an hour or two there.
  It seemed to everyone at that distant time that this talented young man discussed issues of modern journalism with the studentesses. Such was his reputation, other versions simply did not arise.
  However, although he was a journalist, he apparently did not have a time to gain experience as a reporter for a crime chronicle.
  The dorm was divided, partitioned by energetic young people - in a metaphorical sense. Apparently, the rooms were divided, as well as the studentesses living in the hostel.
  When, in a good mood, the editor-in-chief of the city newspaper concluded his visit and headed for the elevator, several energetic young people entered the elevator with him. Immediately, as soon as the elevator closed the doors, they began to beat the editor-in-chief.
  He tried to defend himself. A happy coincidence gave him a few milliseconds to hit the stop button. The elevator stopped immediately and the doors opened.
  The newspaper editor burst out of the elevator and ran down the stairs. Here, on the stairs, on the move, in a relatively unexpected situation, it was certainly not as convenient to beat him as in a cramped elevator.
  He was a young, athletic guy. The quick jumps down the steps towards the first floor, to the dormitory's check point (at the entrance), took seconds.
  And near the dormitory's check point, who was accustomed to petty misunderstandings, to calling the police, in the presence of people in the area of the hostel's check point, it was already quite inconvenient to beat him.
  So the journalist got off not with serious injuries, but with the usual beatings.
  The hostel is located in the city center. One of the police stations is about 5 minutes on foot.
  The journalist went to the police station.
  There he, most likely, named his position, and a car with police officers immediately went to the hostel. The persons who attacked the editor, apparently, reacted to the possible risks not cautiously, lightly. They were detained and taken to the police station.
  If the entire previous part of the plot (from the moment the editor entered the elevator to the moment the editor left the dormitory) could be summed up under the concept of hooliganism (or domestic conflict), then the details of further events were relatively unusual.
  First, friends of the detainees began to gather near the police station - students who had come to study from the same area where the detainees came from. And a noticeable crowd gathered.
  Secondly, the crowd of friends was joined by a professor who also came (at one time) from the same area.
  Further events developed with some difficulties.
  In local provincial circles, close to journalism and human rights movements, there was complete confidence in the victory of the just cause.
  Firstly, a person from the mayor's office was injured - that is, a representative of the authorities.
  Secondly, the injured editor-in-chief was provided with the unconditional support of all city and regional newspapers, of all (of almost all, except for the aforementioned professor) of the city's public opinion.
  However, the case ended unexpectedly.
  The journalist was transferred to one of the small towns of the neighboring subject of the federation for a new position. He became the head of a small provincial newspaper, incomparable in importance and influence with a newspaper in a large regional center.
  After leaving, no news came from this talented person. Maybe he came to visit the girls again? Didn't his finger have time to touch the saving button? He was a young man at that time, excessive romanticism remained in his soul ...
  Everything stopped ...
  The newspaper, created by the talented journalist, remained in the city, of course. But it changed its content. Everything that was not called a "legal act" was removed from it.
  It would seem like a strange ending to the story.
  Did the mayor have anything to do with the storyline in the final phase? You can assume different things.
  If the mayor extinguished the scandal, parted with his employee, preventing journalistic passions from flaring up, stopped disputes and discussions among the city's population, then in this case we see a person capable of unexpected, non-standard solutions, that is, a person with creative thinking.
  Andrei completed the description of a case involving a journalist (an employee of the mayor's office), looked at the text.
  You should try to describe any personality from different angles ...
  Let us recall the creative lessons of Peskov, who wrote about Agafya, two thousand and two versions of the events at the Dyatlov pass, assessments addressed to modern "liberasts", "Vlasovites" [supporters of general Andrey Vlasov], "Banderians" [supporters of Stepan Bandera] , etc., etc. ...
  In addition, a skillful methods of personnel decisions must be transferred from the past to the future ...
  [MCCСCXX. Mayor and journalist. A story. - April 22, 2020 - May 1, 2020.
  MCCСCXLVI. A caring mayor and a real estate insurance. A story. - May 19, 2020.
  MDCCXXXI. Improper recreational and urbanic policies. One of the manifestations of the deadlock in domestic politics. The note. - September 25, 2020.
  MDCCXLIV. Visit of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to Rostov-on-Don on October 2, 2020 and intellectual paradoxes. The note. - October 3, 2020.
  MDCCCLIII. The history of the smiling mayor of the southern capital. A historical sketch. - November 23, 2020.
  MCMLXII. Illiterate, sub-criminal and criminal specialists in economy and a 'Cheap (Affordable) Housing'. A sketch on the political economy of construction. - January 21, 2021.].
  February 2, 2021 16:34
  Translation from Russian into English: February 2, 2021 22:07.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Умелый мэр и творческое мышление. Рассказ'.
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