Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Story about difficulties of the creative person in our not simple time

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    The Story about difficulties of the creative person in our not simple time

  The Story about difficulties of the creative person in our not simple time
  Some rapper comes to a concert. The audience gathered. All tickets are sold. It is time to sing songs.
  Goes rapper along the corridor and hears a phrase: "All this building was bought on the "left" money!"
  The rapper is horrified. He will sing songs now, but later when "affairs" of owners of the building will be opened, will ask him unpleasant questions.
  The rapper runs out from the building and begins to sing songs on the street.
  But with this option too not everything is simple. Events begin to develop unexpectedly. Financial aid from "colleagues from the creative shop" to get out of the situation was required.
  It seems somehow everything came to the end. But again there were questions ... Money is such piece ... If they a public or a charitable ...
  The rapper, it seems, solves all the problems. But he began to forget the words of songs.
  Yes, it turned out that when he's out of the building came out and started singing on the street, some of his fans climbed the pole (the better to see and hear and photograph) and damaged on the pole some wires. The rapper received claims. Some local kind person compensated the damage connected with damage of wires.
  But it turned out that this kind man - at all and unkind. Behind this good man stretches dark history.
  Again questions.
  The rapper loses internal balance. What to do?
  There is salvation!
  He finds the movie "The Aviator" with DiCaprio's participation and begins to watch the scenes where the main character is involved in legal proceedings.
  It became a little easier. But memory everything is early is not restored, and nightmares torment.
  The rapper estimates positive influence of the movie "The Aviator" and the DiCaprio's creativity. Finds the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street".
  He watches "The Wolf of Wall Street".
  The health improved even more.
  But a blood pressure still high.
  Then, the rapper finds an article about the proceedings with the participation of DiCaprio: "Leonardo DiCaprio is accused of embezzling billions. The actor was suspected of money laundering from the Malay environmental Fund."
  The rapper reads: "Swiss activists from the Bruno Manser Fund, actively advocating for the protection of the tropical forests of Malaysia, called on Leonardo DiCaprio to return the "dirty money" earned on the filming of "The Wolf of Wall Street" and donations Fund 1MDB. They are currently planning to hold a public discussion in London - the meeting is scheduled for October 14, right before the release of the documentary film with DiCaprio "Before the Flood", which affects global environmental problems".
  The rapper felt healthy. He remembered the Mat (Russian profanity). There was a wish to sing.
  The words themselves formed into creative works.
  The power of the voice appeared.
  The rapper went to the balcony and began to sing loudly... Creativity is when you want to sing...
  January 6, 2019 13:32
  Translation from Russian into English: January 6, 2019 14:06.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о трудностях творческого человека в наше не простое время'.
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