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The Story about interest in the Bureya theme on February 26, 2019

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    The Story about interest in the Bureya theme on February 26, 2019

  The Story about interest in the Bureya theme on February 26, 2019
  1) Additional information
  23 Jan
  China has powered the world's most powerful power line
  In China, the ultra-high-voltage DC power line (UHVDC) began to operate, which broke the world record for voltage, power and length.
  The operating voltage of the new line of the Chinese state power grid Corporation is 1.1 MV, and the length of 3293 km. It can transmit up to 12 GW Of energy, which will be enough to power 50 million homes. Although transformers installed at substations are considered mobile, they can hardly be called mobile, since the mass of each is about 800 tons.
  The engineers working on the project call the line in "The power silk way" as it follows the ancient trade route of the same name. UHVDC absorbs alternating current of network at the converting station near the capital of Xinjiang and directs energy of a direct current to the second converting station to the Provinces of Anhui in the east of China. It will transmit energy, replacing 25 thousand trains with coal required by thermal power plants.
  Designers sought for installation of smaller number of large transformers for achievement maximum cost-effective...
  More than 10 years they worked on creation of the project. The largest contractors, such as Swedish company ABB which also plans to create in Celestial Empire completely automated factory of the future, and the German Siemens which recently started the 10 MW first-ever wind generator with the 193-meter screw took part in it.
  Although in Russia there is a power line Ekibastuz-Kokshetau length of 432 km, the design voltage of which is 1150 kV, but in fact it works at 500 kV...
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  The comment.
  If we consider the information presented above to be true, then it is possible to assume that the surplus of power capacities and in (Russian) Far East, and in the adjacent regions of China will increase?.
  February 26, 2019 16:54
  Translation from Russian into English: May 20, 2019 17:42.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме 26 февраля 2019 г.'.
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