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The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears in the middle of day on March 7, 2019

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    The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears in the middle of day on March 7, 2019

  The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears in the middle of day on March 7, 2019
  1. Environmental and legal context.
  28 JUN 2018, 06: 28 updated 28 Jun 2018, 07: 46
  IRKUTSK, on June 28. / TASS/. The actual neutralization of waste of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill (pulp and paper mill) still did not begin, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yury Chaika reported on Thursday at a meeting in Irkutsk.
  Baikal: ecological problems of the great lake how to prevent a catastrophe in one of the rarest ecosystems of the planet
  "There are only two years left until the completion of the state program to eliminate the negative consequences of the Baikal pulp and paper mill. However so far did not start the actual neutralization of waste yet", - Chaika told.
  The Prosecutor General also called for a tougher response to cases related to the environment of lake Baikal.
  "It is not without reason that the President [of Russia Vladimir Putin] drew attention to the Baikal area (zone), and we created an environmental Prosecutor's office here.
  It is necessary to take measures more rigidly",
  - Chaika told.
  Chaika called Baikal "the pearl of the whole world" and reminded that 20% of the world's fresh water supply is concentrated in the lake. "What is happening around [Baikal] is incomprehensible to the mind," he concluded.
  In the "RG-Ekologiya" [РГ-Экология] (subsidiary of Rosgeologia), which is the sole executor of works on reclaiming of waste BPPM, declined to comment on the TASS the situation at the industrial site in the city. (...)" []
  And again hello. R. Gorring will be excluded from the guide of daughters [the daughter companies] of Rosgeo - 2 weeks will be required
  January 31, 2019, 15: 45 N. Jabin Neftegaz.RU800
  Moscow, on January 31 - Neftegaz.RU news agency. R. Gorring, dismissed from the post of 1st Deputy Director General of Rosgeology after the published video on the Internet, will be expelled from the leadership of the RG-Ekologiya [РГ-Экология] next week.
  Exclusion from management of other subsidiaries - within 2 weeks.
  This was reported by the representative of the holding A. Sergeev.
  RG-Ekologiya [РГ-Экология] is a 100% daughter company Rosgeologia company represents the interests of the holding company in the Irkutsk region, as well as implementing the project on the reclamation of the BPPM.
  Earlier, on January 28, 2019, an outrageous video appeared on the Internet, the main "hero" of which was the Deputy Director General and head of the development and commercial activities unit of Rosgeology R. Gorring..."
  Irkutsk, March 7-AIF-Irkutsk.
  The construction of the Baikal water bottling plant in Kultuk may be suspended.
  According to the press service of the government of the Irkutsk region, during the inspection of the enterprise, experts revealed violations of Federal laws "on environmental protection" and "on production and consumption waste". In particular, the construction found traces of bottling of petroleum products, as well as debris around the perimeter of the site. (...)
  "According to the totality of the revealed facts of violations, it can be concluded that the Prosecutor's office will apply to the court in order to suspend the construction of the plant," the press service quotes the first Deputy Governor, Chairman of the government of the Irkutsk region Ruslan Bolotov."
  On March 7, 2019 12:04
  Translation from Russian into English: March 7, 2019 22:14.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Новой Земле и к белым медведям днём 7 марта 2019 г.".
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