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The Story about the Happy Wave of Francis Drake

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    The Story about the Happy Wave of Francis Drake

  The Story about the Happy Wave of Francis Drake
  January 10, 1580.
  Francis Drake was seized with anxiety. The successful, it seemed, the sea campaign was close to a sad termination.
  The ship leapt onto the rock and sat firmly on it.
  The streak of luck ended.
  Francis Drake remembered. The sail of the squadron from England. The mutiny of some crew members. Gradual "disappearance" of other ships - participants of an expedition.
  There was an unexpected dream: golden hind, quickly and freely running.
  After that dream he renamed the ship, and the events began to develop in a favorable way.
  "Stop!" - Drake has thought. - "A fast and free movement! Here the "key" to a situation!"
  Respected chaplain Francis Fletcher was explaining already to members of the crew the situation and called to prepare for end of a way in this world.
  "In some sense, dear Mr. Fletcher is right," - thought Drake. -" One part of the way is complete. A new part of the way begins!'
  Drake with a smile has reminded the crew the old adage: "After a storm a quietness is coming, after a war - a peace, after a hunger - a harvest".
  The Drake's confident voice directed the team's attention to vigorous efforts: "Minor cargo off the ship!" "Battle supplies off the ship!"
  The high tide has begun.
  The happy wave has raised the ship and has returned the ship to the successful ocean march.
  "As you call the ship, so the ship will float!"- with smile thought Drake.
  The Golden Hind rushed to the victory.
  "And your diaries, dear Mr. Fletcher," - Drake added, - "I instruct to you to give them over to the book series " The Life of remarkable people", - for purposes to write the biography of Francis Drake."
  "Yes, the general!" - Francis Fletcher answered.
  ""The Golden Hind" has made all of us a happy people!" - the chaplain has written down in the diary.
  May 19, 2018 08:25
  Translation from Russian into English: May 19, 2018 09:12. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о счастливой волне Фрэнсиса Дрейка'.
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