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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the middle of day on February 15, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the middle of day on February 15, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the middle of day on February 15, 2019
  1) Additional information
  "Free Press
  On February 15 08:00
  Shoygu celebrated a victory in the "fight at Bureya" a special medal
  Practice of distribution of military awards at the current Minister of Defence looks more and more strange
  Sergey Ishchenko
  [Judging by not the really legible photo it is not "that" Ishchenko, and - "this"].
  ... In any case, the pathos degree in their speeches obviously read off scale.
  Obviously, proceeding from new official duties, the commander of the Western Military District tried to raise value of "fight at Bureya" ... onto inaccessible height. Here what was told on a modest taiga meeting by Andrey Valeryevich: "Today here, on the Bureya River, we became witnesses of an event, grandiose for our country ... It was the uniform rush of all in fight against the hung threat. And this fight against tension was monitored by the whole country".
  How? Especially - about "grandiosity of an event" for the country applying for a rank of the great power? Just admit to General Kargopolov: you really could not sleep from December to mid-February, if the evening did not make sure that the Bureya soon all be normal?
  ... the chief of strongly updated GLAVPUR ... slightly was overzealous in solemn epithets. But further, further ...
  Together with Dmitry Bulgakov Kartopolov solemnly handed to participants of a rescue party on surprisingly quickly founded by the Ministry of Defence of a medal to "The participant of liquidation of consequences of emergency situation on the Bureya River". ...the line of departmental awards of his department [Ministry] which became immense at Sergey Shoygu was extended on one point.
  ... On February 26, 2010 the medal of the Ministry of Defence "For participation in a military parade on the Victory Day" was born, for example? Or medal "Strategic command-staff exercise Caucasus-2012 (on July 31, 2013).
  However, even in this row the medal "To the participant of maneuvers of troops (forces) "East-2018" absolutely mysteriously looks. The notice on it on the portal of state procurements appeared in November of last year. At the same time it became clear that intended to spend for this Defense Ministry 76 999 986 rubles 16 kopeks. What in itself is remarkable. But nevertheless not this strangest ...
  Confess, now the message of the press service of the Big Moscow Circus (BMC) of Edgard Zapashny of February 5 of last year does not seem to you surprising that his staff and some participants of the Club of the Funny and Inventive People (KVN) by the Shoygu's order [prescription] are awarded with a medal to "The participant of the military operation in Syria"? In the press release of BMTs and it is told: "Today in Big Moscow Circus celebrated heroes".
  Why do we need such ridiculous allusions? And, Sergey Kuzhugetovich? After all it is very bad when the military awards the people begin not so much to honor, how many to make fun of them.
  PS. The huge request to colleagues ... ... to learn how the name is correctly said. To Far Easterners it is simply wild and it is a shame to hear." []
  The comment.
  Several words in article (in the published material) attract attention: "Free press", "Far Easterner". An acquaintance to a question, to details ... (it would not be bad to publish also a photo of the medal).
  With some arguments of the published article - hints at the need for economy and common sense - one could agree.
  It is generally clear that the article was wrote by person with abilities and with knowledge.
  But in any profession there are phenomena of professional deformation ("jackals of rotary machines").
  In addition, we live in a time when some people are visited by feelings of irritation and bitterness.
  In a word, and knowing, and qualified, and capable (can be, even talented) the journalist wrote down in the professional biography an act, which someone can estimate as not especially worthy.
  At all the people the uniqueness of the situation which developed on the Bureya River, the uniqueness of the outstanding military and engineering, physical and intellectual works, performed by troops, does not raise doubts.
  Frost of 30-40 degrees. Hard, difficult work! Successful result.
  Excellent interaction with other ministries, the authorities of territorial subjects of the Federation and the districts bodies and with the organizations of RusHydro!
  It is clear that an experienced journalist will always find out a professional techniques.
  Are put in one line of action in Syria, participation in a parade and so on.
  Dear Far Easterner (it seems, there is a hint on the fact that the Far Easterner wrote article)! Do you have a concern for wellbeing of the Far East? There are hopes for safe development of this region?
  Those who followed the developments, know that many experts (I do not put this word into a quotes) dexpressed doubts about the very possibility of solving the problem of restoring the hydraulic connection between the "upper" and "lower" parts of the reservoir.
  What relation to works on Bureya do actions in Syria, participation in a parade have? ("Everything in the world is interconnected" - it is clear ...). What does the cost of departmental medals, their long or not long list have to do with the work in the Bureya?
  It is possible to guess that works on Bureya were performed without a single victim... ... (I will not develop a thought further ...).
  The works performed on Bureya, executed by all their participants are unique! And not the bases "to hide" this circumstance.
  The establishment of a separate medal indicates an understanding of the uniqueness and complexity of the work performed!
  On the other hand, some criticality of article can be considered and reasonable.
  For example, someone could reflect on awards for the hunters who found the place of a natural dam, for local heads, for civil experts. Moreover, with all my critical attitude to "many things", I cannot treat without respect the actions of the authorities of the subjects of the Federation (governors), bodies and organizations of RusHydro.
  Let's recognize a feat and good work without aping, antics and inappropriate jokes!
  Excellent, magnificent, necessary medal!
  It is associative the words of the head of Department of Railway troops of the Eastern Military District Major General Andrey Kozlov are remembered [on February 4, 2019]: "I believe that this is a unique operation, for participation in which every soldier should be awarded who took part in it - from the bulldozer driver to the general.". []
  (About too long list of departmental awards ... I did not research this question. But, in general, it is better to award and encourage, than to disregard, ignore difficult, heavy, and sometimes and heroic, service ... These are some reflections on a theme ...).
  February 15, 2019 11:43
  Translation from Russian into English: February 15, 2019 14:04.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме днем 15 февраля 2019 г.".
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