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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the morning on February 4, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the morning on February 4, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the morning on February 4, 2019
  1) Information on works on elimination of the natural dam on the Bureya River.
  "Russia-24 - Blagoveshchensk" ...
  Novosti Vesti-Blagoveshchensk
  today, 10:44 ...
  Reservoir level near the Bureya hydroelectric power station ceased to fall down...
  ... She [Bureya] rustles, rages - as if is torn to fill rather with itself the lower part of Reservoir.
  Flat Bureya in this place reminds more likely the mountain river now. Now she is chained into the narrow canal. Its length is 160 meters, depth - 19, depth under water - 4 meters.
  Exact width of the channel cannot be told because every hour Bureya washes away breed and thus clears to itself the way downstream.
  ... More than 100 tons of TNT, over 12 kilometers of a special cable are spent. The first explosion took place still on January 22nd. The crossing point was broken through 10 days later. The task set by the President was executed...
  ... By helicopter delivered also the boring machine here ...
  Engineers refused the idea to make the second proran. It is simpler to expand available to a channel therefore also the power of charges is less. One wide channel will allow in the spring not to stagnate ice floes...
  "Per day, after there was a blasting, water dropped by three centimeters. It is not enough so far", - the hydrologist Ivan Matveev says.
  Keyword - "so far". If in the first day through the channel every second there passed 250 cubic meters of water, then on the second this indicator became more.
  "It naturally only per day. Because this day we practically blew up nothing. Per day there was a washout of coast, deepening of a bottom. The volume of water doubled, and now is about 600 cubic meters per second", - the head of department of railway troops of the Eastern Military District Andrey Kozlov says ...
  Anton Silvonik
  Vestie Blagoveshchensk" []
  Military executed seven blastings soil for expansion channels on the Bureya River
  Valentina Peskova
  Since the beginning of a demolition work on the Bureya River more than 200 tons of TNT are used and about 460 sets of cumulative charges are undermined.
  Military of engineering troops published the new report on work around a collapse on the Bureya Reservoir, directed to expansion a proran. So, seven blastings on a channel which length is about 200 meters, depth - 20 meters, width - 35 are executed already. Current speed in a channel is 15-17 m/s, the volume of the lowered water about 600 cubic meters per second.
  ... After blastings the released soil and breed is carried away by a current in a reservoir. The threat of flooding of settlements of a bliza of the Bureya Reservoir and flooding of engineering constructions of the Baikal-Amur Mainline is prevented.
  ... In the area of the collapse of rocks on the river Bureya helicopters of the army aviation delivered a front-end loader and a drilling rig on the basis of an all terrain vehicle "KAMAZ", which will be used for making deeper holes in the rock with the subsequent laying of the engineering charges.
  In total since the beginning of a demolition work on the Bureya River more than 200 tons of TNT are used today and about 460 sets of cumulative charges ..." are undermined []
  The threat of flooding is liquidated
  Thanks to punched Bureyskaya GES Canal comes to the normal mode of work.
  Two with small weeks were necessary for the servicemen for connection of two pools, formed on the Bureya Reservoir, and more than 200 tons of explosives. They coped with a task in time for what they received an appreciation from the Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation general Dmitry Bulgakov who watched the key explosion...
  ... Let it was also not evident, but since December 11 the difference between the "top" and "lower" ices reached nearly eight meters ...
  ... So, water costs through the Bureya hydroelectric power station at first were reduced from 820 CBM a second to 600 CBM a second, and then at all up to 550 CBM a second ...
  ... Military engineers of the 14th separate Guards engineering crew managed to make that it seemed impossible. Last Friday after the next blasting a dam water rushed downstream. Because of height difference of a channel to some extent resembled a waterfall.
   Order of the President of the Russian Federation and tasks of the Minister of Defence are carried out successfully, - told the general Dmitry Bulgakov observing at what speed the channel is filled with water...
  ... Completion of the second stage is scheduled for February 18. It is necessary that all military personnel taking part in elimination of a blockage, In day of the defender of the Fatherland were in an arrangement of the military units, - the Deputy Minister of defence noted...
  The length of the channel in the place of a collapse of rocks is about 200 meters, and width and depth - more than 35 and 20 meters respectively ...
  ... Currently, the military personnel of the consolidated group of the Ministry of defense of Russia carried out work on expansion of the ducts in the pile of rocks on the river Bureya method of undermining the shores of the closure channel... Released after the explosions of the soil is carried away by the currents in the Bureisk water reservoir.
  As of yesterday, the length of the duct in the place of rock collapse was about 200 meters, and the width and depth - more than 35 and 20 meters, respectively. Due to the fact that the water comes under strong pressure, independently eroding their way, and increases the capacity of the duct. In just two days since the launch of the channel, the throughput has increased from 250 to 600 cubic meters per second.
  ...... Explosives to places of a direct bookmark are delivered on cars of the increased passability, and in hard-to-reach spots - on Snow-storm snowmobiles from the Far East highest general command school of name of Marshal of the Soviet Union of K.K. Rokossovsky.
  - I can assure that analogs of similar operations in the world were not, - the chief of engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation lieutenant general Yury Stavitsky told in turn. - We studied the international experiment on elimination of various landslides, but found nothing similar. In this regard specialists of summary group should work from scratch, that is being based only on the calculations. It is pleasant to me that military engineers cope with a task strictly in time.
  In turn, the chief of Head department of Railway troops of the Russian Federation lieutenant general Oleg Kosenkov noted that though work also is not completed, but it is already possible to speak about its uniqueness.
  - No preparation and time for to swing existed per se, - the lieutenant general Kosenkov tells. - The task to equip the field camp on the bank of a reservoir arrived, and already on January 11 military railroad workers stepped into the coast of a reservoir. The first few days were the most difficult as everything was necessary to equip from scratch. From helipads, which now three, to tents where the staff lives. The camp fire was the place of heating. A week later, on January 18, the Head of the Department of Railway troops of the Eastern military district, major General Andrei Kozlov, reported to me that the camp is fully ready. Now it is a full-fledged military town. I believe that this is a unique operation, for participation in which every soldier should be awarded who took part in it - from the bulldozer driver to the general.
  the deputy commander of the 82nd separate repair and construction (complex repair) battalion of East military circle on military-political work the captain Roman Ostapenko completely agrees with opinion of the lieutenant general Kosenkov that around collapse the full-fledged military camp is built.
  - I do not consider that the personnel in something is deprived here, - the captain Ostapenko says. - Tents for rest, points of cooking and food are developed in the camp. By the way, in kitchen at us the best cooks, such as sergeant Yury Krasilnik who became last year the winner of the competition "Field kitchen" in The Best Baker nomination work. Also we have a medical aid station, a laundry, a bath, club and a tent of Voentorg.
  Daily before raising of National flag informing staff is carried out.
  In the evenings the staff comes to club. Plays board games, watches telecasts and videos. In great demand are the Newspapers "Red star" and "Suvorov onslaught", which are regularly delivered here from the "mainland".
  Therefore, despite the lack of mobile communication, the staff is aware of the latest events both in the country, and in the world. By the way, in control center the place from where the military personnel can call the relatives in the evening is developed. Five minutes are allocated to each serviceman for telephone negotiations ...
  Roman BIRYULIN, "Red star"
  Bureya Reservoir,
  Khabarovsk Krai
  4 февраля 2019 г." []
  2) The addition to data on dynamics of a situation on (former) natural dam, (former) spontaneous reservoir and adjacent territories.
  Today, 5:03
  At the second stage of mitigation of consequences of a landslide it is necessary to remove the enormous volume of soil and rocky masses.
  Work on the Bureya reservoir in the Khabarovsk territory has entered a new phase. If at first the corps of engineers punched a huge stone jam, now the river is eroding the proran [the manmade channel], and the people helping her.
  - Rigid terms. The Deputy Minister of Defence to us set the task by February 18 to execute all volume of work on the second stage - to expansion of the channel - says Alexey Franskevich, Professor of the Department of engineering barriers and combat use of special weapons of engineering troops of the Military Academy ... .
  According to the expert, consecutive explosions will allow to deepen proran that will provide a bigger spillway. At this stage it is planned to achieve the width in 20 meters and depth not less than four meters." []
  On January 30, 2019, 09:03 ...
  Military engineers who perform the most difficult operation on clearing of a landslide on the Bureya Reservoir came to an important stage. They, at last, managed to punch the first to a channel ...
  "Work is carried out by an explosive way. The charge from explosives is established, filling by soil and blasting is made. The most part was made. There are literally 1-2 explosions left, and the water, I think, will go" - the deputy commander of battalion of engineering connection of the Eastern Military District Igor Vedernikov reported." [] manmade channel
  3) Additional information
  11:51, 21.11.2003
  Ecologists are satisfied with monitoring of a zone of the Bureya hydroelectric power station
  In Moscow, at the III all-Russian Congress on nature protection, there was a discussion of the impact of gyroelectric power plants on the social and environmental situation. Yesterday a report on this topic was made by the head of the laboratory of Hydroecology of the Institute of water and environmental problems of the far Eastern branch of RAS, responsible executor of the monitoring of the Bureyskaya HPP Sergey Sirotsky.
  "Until recently in Russia full-scale works on monitoring of ecological and social processes in a zone of influence of large hydropower objects were not carried out, - Sirotsky in the performance noted. - The new team of managers of RAO UES of Russia changed the existing practice and took the initiative of carrying out complex monitoring of impact of the Bureya Reservoir on an ecological and social situation in the region. Only till 2008 RAO UES of Russia will finance the program of environmental monitoring of over 30 million rubles".
  The project of monitoring of a zone of influence of the Bureya water-engineering system is developed JSC Lengidroproyekt (St. Petersburg) and taking into account the scientific justification executed by Institute of water and environmental problems of the FEB RAS (Khabarovsk). Its realization will allow to control natural, social and economic and ecological processes which are caused by construction of hydroelectric power station, operation of a reservoir, for prevention of possible negative consequences of hydroconstruction. Essential difference of this program - its complexity allowing to keep track not of amount of dirt, and to estimate impact on state of environment.
  This year in a zone of influence of the Bureya water-engineering system hydrometeorological monitoring, monitoring of a soil cover and the water environment is carried out. From June to October, 2003 252 microbiological analyses of quality of surface and benthonic water are carried out. On the basis of the obtained data ecologists can claim that filling of a reservoir did not affect water quality, and deviations of parameters do not go beyond the natural background characteristic of a river basin of Bureya.
  The congress of ecologists noted an otradnost of that fact that the large companies at last began to realize the responsibility: at construction of new objects ceased to forget about ecology, and, therefore, and about human health.
  11:51, 21.11.2003
  Соб. инф." []
  3) Brief chronological information.
  December 12, 2018. In a zone of the Bureya Reservoir there was a descent of rocky soil to overlapping of the bed of the Bureya River around merge to the Sredny SandarRiver (the Middle Sandar River). [] []
  December 21, 2018. Alexander Markanov and Anatoly Ivanov left on hunting to the Verkhnebureinsky Region of [Khabarovsk Krai] and found out that across the bed of the Bureya River the big heap of stones, the earth and trees appeared. The top of one of hills was demolished. []
  On January 10, 2019 "In Verkhnebureinsky MR of [Khabarovsk Krai] the emergency regime (the decision of the head of the district of 09.01.2019 No. 2) is introduced." []
  January 10, 2019. The publication (of January 10, 2019) on the Internet:
  "Russian Defense Ministry; Original @mod_russia account
  At the request of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin of force and means of the Russian Defense Ministry are used for clearing of the river course and carrying out drilling-and-blasting works for restoration of the normal hydrological mode of the Bureya Reservoir" [].
  January 13, 2019. "January 13, 2019 08: 57"The camp with tents and a field kitchen has already been set up near the reservoir " []
  January 13, 2019. "on January 14, 15:52. On Wednesday the governor of Khabarovsk Krai Sergey Furgal visited the place of the landslide in Verkhnebureinsky district" []
  January 17, 2019. In the territory of the Bureya region [of Amur region] the emergency regime (the decision of the head of the district of 17.01.2019 No. 14) is introduced. []
  January 19, 2019. In borders of the Verkhnebureinsky Region of [Khabarovsk Krai] the emergency regime of regional character (the resolution of the governor of Khabarovsk Krai of 19.01.2019 No. 38-rp) is introduced. []
  January 22, 2019. "The Metropolitan of Khabarovsk and Priamurie Artemy by helicopter arrived on January 22 in Verkhnebureinsky district" []
  On January 22, 2019 "... The Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation Dmitry Bulgakov arrived on January 22 to the Bureya Reservoir..." []
  On January 24, 2019 "In this flight the crew came very close to the extreme take-off mass of the transport helicopter Mi-26. Unique flight was made by pilots of army aircraft of the Eastern Military District by heavy transport helicopter Mi-26. They transported from Ukrainka air base up to the river bank Bureya the 20-ton bulldozer. In this flight almost maximum take-off mass of this helicopter - 56 tons was reached. It was necessary to sit down on the small platform on the river bank. The task is carried successfully out ... Earlier helicopter pilots delivered a tanker truck fuel-servicing truck to the place of a landslide." []
  On January 31, 2019 "on January 31 the governor of the Amur region Vasily Orlov flew by helicopter for Khabarovsk Krai, to the place where on Bureya the hill slope collapsed [where the landslide was ]" []
  February 1, 2019. "Today, the soldiers completed the first stage of the rock explosion, which divided the Bureya reservoir into two pools. This was reported by Deputy defense Minister, the Hero of Russia, army General Dmitry Bulgakov during a trip to the place of events."[]
  February 1, 2019. "01.02.2019 the channel is punched and hydraulic connection between the cut off part and main part of the Bureya reservoir is established" []
  On February 2, 2019 "The Bureya hydroelectric power station came to the mode of normal work" []
  February 4, 2019 .06:57
  Translation from Russian into English: February 4, 2019 07:56.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме утром 4 февраля 2019 г.".
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