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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 16, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 16, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 16, 2019
  A new information on "The Bureya problem" and on actions on its decision arrives.
  What appears to be significant in "recent" publications?
  Firstly, data on dynamics of a situation on the natural dam and the spontaneous reservoir (the difference between levels of a surface of the river water higher [on a watercourse] and lower [on a watercourse] a natural dam increases). About the increase in level of attention to "The Bureya problem".
  Secondly, the information on large-scale actions for preparation for elimination of a natural dam on the Bureya River.
  Thirdly, confirmation of some details of plans for the solution of "The Bureya problem".
  Fourthly, forecasts for a subject about prospects of the decision to "The Bureya problem".
  If to concretize these subjects, then it is possible to note the following:
  1) Data on dynamics of a situation on a natural dam and a spontaneous reservoir.
  "14:40. In Khabarovsk Krai did not exclude evacuation of inhabitants of Chekunda because of a landslide.
  KHABAROVSK, 16 Jan - RIA Novosti. The government of the Khabarovsk territory is ready for any scenario with a landslide in the Verkhneburensky district, including the evacuation of the population of the village of Chekunda, if in the spring he will face a flood, the press service of the Governor of the region...
  On January 14, 15:52
  Scientists did not exclude the collapse of the second part of the hill on Bureya after blasting
  On Wednesday the governor of Khabarovsk Krai Sergey Furgal visited the place of a landslide in Verkhnebureinsky district. The head of the region held the operational meeting with military and scientists, and later went to the village of Chekunda which is located in 73 kilometers from the place of a blockage.
  "What to do with the settlement, we will understand when we receive the exact decision from scientists. The science has to give the forecast for spring. Across Chekunda there are problems today: there washes away the cemetery and shore protection works are necessary. At the moment we prepare for any turn of events", - the press service Furgal's words are cited in the message.
  According to the far Eastern Department of Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, water arrives near the village of Chekunda by 1-2 centimeters per day, and the water level at the Bureyskaya HPP continues to fall by 10-15 centimeters per day. The difference in water levels before the dam and after, as shown by gauging stations, reached five meters.
  It is also noted that in March, the regional Central Board of EMERCOM of Russia will send a group of its specialists to the Verkhnebureinsky district, who will have to eliminate the ice concentration [on the river], ensure the passage of flood waters. That will neutralize the risks of flooding."[]
  "16 January, 05:58. 08:58 is updated. The difference in water levels before and after the place of a descent of soil on the Bureya River increased to 5 meters ...
  KHABAROVSK, on January 16. / TASS/. Water level at the Bureya hydroelectric power station continues to fall on 10-15 cm a day after a soil descent from the hill to the river in Khabarovsk Krai [that is, after the appearance of the natural dam], the difference in levels before and after a jam [the natural dam] reached 5 m. The chief of the Far East management on hydrometeorology and monitoring of the environment Vyacheslav Parshin reported about this TASS on Wednesday ...
  A week ago the difference in water levels between hydroposts is higher and below the formed jam was fixed on a mark about 4 m.
  "The leakage [of the river water] through the formed dam very small therefore in the top byef of the Bureya hydroelectric power station around our hydropost - is lower on a current from a dam - water falls on 10-15 cm a day. The difference in water levels between this hydropost and a hydropost at Chekunda that is before and after a jam - increased to 4.5-5 m and continues to grow", - Parshin told.
  He added that at the village of Chekunda water level also continues to increase - by 1-2 cm a day. As reported to TASS in Chekunda's administration, there are no floodings in the settlement yet.
  Participants of the expedition organized by the government Khabarovsk of the region work at the place of a descent. From the Far East Hydrometeorological center the three experts fulfill works, they measure volumes of the water proceeding through a jam, correlate data with data from stationary hydroposts ...
  Ice of a reservoir constitutes danger ...
  At the moment ice of the Bureya Reservoir in the Amur region became dangerous to movement of drivers and pedestrians. Residents were urged to exercise caution, told reporters the chief inspector of the state Inspectorate for small vessels in the region Ivan Vorobyov.
  "On the Bureya Reservoir near coast and islands so-called emptiness are formed. That is ice hangs over water, the distance reaches two-three meters. And because ice thickness small, such emptiness constitute very serious danger to departure [by motor cars] and even to the exit to the ice of the reservoir. Because of the collapse of the hill (in riverhead) water inflow considerably decreased", - Vorobyov told.
  As reported in TASS, the head of the Talakan village of the Amur region Marina Trusova, despite warnings about the danger that arose after the landslide, local fishermen go out on the ice of the Bureya reservoir. "Residents do not go by motor cars, of course, but in the [reservoir] will continue to fish," said Trusova.
  She specified that works on restriction of access to a reservoir are carried out annually. This winter unauthorized congresses are blocked, the warning signs are established. Besides, the relevant information is posted on the website of settlement administration, at information stands and banners. With fishermen lead preventive discussions.
  At the end of December the motor car with the staff of the Management of its operation failed [dropped] under [through out] the ice of the Bureya Reservoir. Passengers of the car managed to escape, brought them to the settlement of Talakan, medical care was not required to them. The driver is missing.
  The Bureya Reservoir with an area of over 550 sq km is located on the Bureya River in the Amur region and Khabarovsk Krai, formed by a dam of Bureya Hydroelectric Power Station ..." []
  As we see, the Amur region and the Bureya hydroelectric power station are mentioned in messages. Perhaps, the visit to the place of events of the governor of Khabarovsk Krai would be even more effective and useful if representatives of both hydroelectric power stations (the operating and the under construction), boards of RusHydro, the government of the Amur region would participated in this visit?
  And would not just take part, and would make statements to the media about their positions on the events?
  2) Information on large-scale actions.
  "09:52 16.01.2019. Andrey Karmadanov. On the bank of the river of Bureya set up the camp for military.
  Here, on a twenty-five-degree frost, to the Russian military personnel it is necessary not only to make blasting a natural dam, but also to clear away the platform from stubs and fragments of trees for landing of helicopters.
  On the Bank of the Bureya river in the Khabarovsk territory, a tent camp is being set up for the military, who will have to do hard work in every sense - to blow up tons of stones - the consequences of a devastating landslide. The only way to return the river to its normal course and avoid flooding in the spring. On one side of this natural dam, the water level has already risen by five meters. Spring flood threatens to flood several villages of the Khabarovsk territory. The Ministry of defence has been instructed to restore the normal hydrological regime.
  The first explosions in the venue of operation on the Bureya River: military engineers equip places for landing of helicopters, cleaning them from stubs and fragments of trees and leveling platforms on the frozen earth.
  A corridor for the river will be punched accurately by a series of the directed explosions. For this purpose to Bureya began to transfer military engineers. For now here prepare for the main stage of operation.
  To set up the camp with warm tents - a paramount task for divisions of MTO. It becomes first of all in order that the military personnel could be warmed and have a rest. Even now, in the afternoon, temperature on the river bank near minus 25 degrees, and falls at night to minus 40 at all.
  Explosives for carrying out engineering works on a blockage to Khabarovsk Krai and the Amur region deliver in hundreds of tons. They are brought echelons by rail. Also the aircraft is involved: the largest transport Ruslan An-124 plane delivered to the "Ukrainka" air base for once more than 75 tons of engineering charges. Now there is a task to transfer them to the venue of operation ..." []
  "January 16, 2019, 07: 58. More than 100 servicemen arrived in the Amur region to restore the work of the Bureya reservoir. The military from the consolidated detachment of the engineering connection of the Eastern military district from Khabarovsk on the An-12 aircraft landed at the airport of "Ukrainka".
  In the team includes the bomb squad and doctors. They have drones "Orlan". Mi-8 and Mi-26 helicopters will deliver the equipment to the place of work, REN TV notes on January 16." []
  "06: 08 16.01.2009. Alexey Savelov. The consolidated detachment of the engineering brigade included sappers, military doctors, as well as calculations of drones " Orlan"...
  All members of the consolidated group have undergone special training to conduct blasting operations in rocky and frozen ground and the performance of tasks in the conditions of low temperatures.
  "The personnel is formed, held additional classes in the job blasting rock and frozen ground, and I think, the personnel with honor and dignity to complete the task," - said Valery Zhgarev, commander of engineering battalion VVO..." []
  3) Confirmation of some details of plans for the solution of "The Bureya problem".
  "16 January, 08:54. Blasting a jam on the Bureya River in Khabarovsk Krai can be carried out on January 22. The regional authorities at the same time are afraid that on the river during explosive works there can be fishermen.
  KHABAROVSK, on January 16. / TASS/. Experts plan to carry out blasting the jam on the Bureya River in Khabarovsk Krai formed later a soil descent, approximately on January 22. Reported about this TASS in the press service of the governor of the region.
  "Blastings soil are planned approximately for January 22", - the interlocutor of the agency after the operational meeting held on the place of a landslide told. - ... There are fears that on the river during explosive works there can be fishermen.
  It is planned that military will take away people from ice".
  Earlier the administration of Verkhnebureinsky district reported that before explosive works inspection of the river will be performed, near the village of Chekunda will establish protection posts". []
  4) Forecasts for a subject about prospects of the decision to "The Bureya problem".
  "14:59. In Khabarovsk called a way to clear away the a watercourse of Bureya after a landslide.
  KHABAROVSK, 16 January - RIA Novosti. Blasting on the Bureya River is the only way of clearing of the course [of the river water] after a landslide in Verkhnebureinsky district of Khabarovsk Krai, reports the government of the region ...
  On January 14, 15:52
  Scientists did not exclude the collapse of the second part of the hill on Bureya after blasting.
  The doctor of geographical sciences, the deputy director for scientific work of Institute of water and environmental problems of the Far East office of RAS Alexey Makhinov in turn notes that the dam consists of very small fragments. It will take decades for the water to wash them away by itself.
  According to regional administration, military plan to begin explosive works approximately on January 22. How many it will be required to time to clear away the river, it is not known yet". []
  January 16, 2019 17:01
  Translation from Russian into English: January 16, 2019 22:32.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме 16 января 2019 г.".
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