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The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela on April 18, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela on April 18, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela on April 18, 2019
  1. On the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela.
  A) the us Dollar rose by 23% per day . The minimum wage is 4.3 us dollars.
  The dollar exchange rate in Venezuela per day increased by 23%
  The official exchange rate is 4.1 thousand bolivars per dollar
  CARACAS, April 17. /TASS./ The us dollar rose by 23% against the Venezuelan Bolivar for the day. This is evidenced by the data released on Tuesday by the Central Bank of the South American country.
  Its official exchange rate is now 4.1 thousand bolivars per dollar, nearly 800 bolivars more than on Monday. The minimum wage in Venezuela is 18 thousand bolivars - about $4.3 at the new rate.
  ... In March this year, inflation in the country, according to the Parliament, amounted to 1.62 million percent in annual terms.
  According to forecasts of the International monetary Fund, the growth of prices in Venezuela in 2019 and 2020 will be 10 million percent."[]
  B) UN and the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela
  (..) A report on the humanitarian situation in the country was made by UN under-Secretary-General mark Lowcock. According to him, about 2.8 million people in Venezuela currently need medical care, including 1.1 million children under five years. (...)" []
  11 APR, 22:02
  Guaidó, believes that the UN recognized the existence of a humanitarian crisis in Venezuela...
  CARACAS, April 11. /TASS./ (...) UN under-Secretary-General mark Lowcock, speaking at an emergency meeting of the world organization's security Council on Wednesday, said that 7 million people, about 25% of the population, currently need humanitarian assistance in Venezuela.
  "The assessment given to the UN very heavy", - quotes Guaidó's statement Union Radio radio station ..." []
  Venezuela has declared a humanitarian crisis
  15 March 2017, 06:46
  MEXICO city, Mar 15 - RIA Novosti. The opposition national Assembly of Venezuela on Tuesday unanimously adopted a resolution on the humanitarian crisis in the country...
  According to the head of Parliament Julio Borges, the government is trying to hide the true catastrophic situation in which the Venezuelans found themselves. "It would be logical for the government to declare a state of emergency in the humanitarian sphere, but it is trying to hide the truth and destroy the production," the portal Nacional quotes Borges.
  The head of the national Assembly said that the Parliament required the authorities to open a special humanitarian channel through which foreign aid could enter the country to solve the problem of hunger and poverty in Venezuela.
  This is the second case when the Parliament declares an emergency in the humanitarian sphere. The first time it was announced in February 2016, and then, in April, the majority of the opposition Parliament voted for the resignation of food Minister Rodolfo Marco Torres, placing him responsible for the acute shortage of food. (...)" []
  " (...) The humanitarian crisis is only a cover for the Trump government's military plans. The whole crisis in Venezuela is that the US imposed sanctions and arranged a financial blockade," President Nicolas Maduro said." []
  1 APR, 20:55 updated 21:06 (...)
  The Venezuelan government does not recognize the existence of a humanitarian crisis in the country..." []
  The humanitarian crisis in Venezuela could surpass the Syrian crisis
  About 10% of the population already left the country
  Kommersant of 21.02.2018, 13:16
  (...) By some estimates, in recent years Venezuela in search of the better life was fled by about 4 million people, or 10% of the population. For comparison: for all the time of the Syrian war the country was left by 5 million Syrians.
  The most frequent reason forcing Venezuelans to flee the country is the lack of funds on purchase of food and drugs because of what people it is banal starve and die of quite curable diseases.
  To look for food in the trash already became the usual for Venezuelans, and, according to the expert, on average lost about three quarters of the population of the country in weight to 10 kg, and mortality of babies in only one 2016 grew by 30%. (...)
  Authors: Alena Miklashevskaya" []
  C) The first aircraft of the International Committee of the red cross (ICRC) arrived from Panama to the Venezuelan capital with humanitarian aid.
  16 APR, 22:36
  Guaidó accused the Maduro administration in the genocide of 7 million Venezuelans
  The leader of the country's opposition also believes that aid from the ICRC came because the authorities "destroyed the health care system"
  CARACAS, on April 16. / TASS/. The leader of the Venezuelan opposition Juan Guaidó on Tuesday accused Administration of the President of Nicolás Maduro of the genocide of the population of the country which led of 7 million people to death ...
  "Arrival of humanitarian aid means existence of humanitarian crisis. Means, the mode recognizes existence of the crisis . They admit that they provoked genocide as a result of which 7 million Venezuelans died", - Guaidó claimed.
  Earlier the CNN TV channel with reference to the sources reported that the first plane of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) arrived from Panama in the capital of Venezuela with freight of humanitarian aid, the delivery of which was agreed on April 10."[]
  April 18, 2019 17:42
  Translation from Russian into English: April 18, 2019 18:18.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к событиям в Венесуэле 18 апреля 2019 года".
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