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The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela on April 25, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela on April 25, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela on April 25, 2019
  1. The revolution continues.
  Maduro congratulated the Russians on Lenin's birthday
  On April 22, 19:01
  CARACAS, April 22 - RIA Novosti. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro congratulated the Russians on the birthday of Vladimir Lenin, calling it a "living history".
  "We congratulate Russians on the 149 anniversary since the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. We pay tribute to this great revolutionary leader and his heritage of fight for the rights of the proletariat and construction of socialism. Lenin still remains today live history", - Maduro in the microblog wrote to Twitter. (...)" []
  2. Complex system.
  China conducts negotiations with the Venezuelan opposition
  He wants to guarantee return of the credits in case of change of the power
  On February 13 12:26
  It is updated at 22:39 Mikhail Overchenko/Vedomosti
  ... deputies from opposition protested for a long time against opacity of the credits about which Maduro's government agreed with China, and demanded disclosure of their conditions. Beijing opposes it, two people, familiar with negotiations, say.
  The similar situation is observed also in other countries which are actively credited by China, first of all within the large-scale infrastructure project "the One Belt One Road (OBOR)".
  Thus, the government of the Maldives, which came to power after the elections in the autumn of 2018, still can not determine the full amount of debt to China, since the previous authorities hid the terms of loans and the fact that they issued state guarantees for them. (...)
  The new authorities of Pakistan also complain of lack of information on conditions of the Chinese credits ... Conditions of infrastructure loans of China "at best are opaque", the Vice President of the United States Mike Pence said. (...)" [].
  3. The care of the population. And the territorial questions
  As the Maldives were caught in a debt trap of China
  The small countries have serious problems because of its infrastructure projects
  On February 12 18:03 Alexey Nevelsky/Vedomosti
  (...) The ex-president Yamin claimed that it is impossible to provide high-quality public services on all 200 populated islands of the country. Therefore he wanted to concentrate the population near the capital, with the usage of the artificial island of Hulhumale nearby. (...)" []
  The remark as the comment:
  For some reason, I remember the idea of resettlement of all residents of Chekunda ((Khabarovsk Krai, Russia). To them, allegedly, in Chekunda whether it is "badly", whether it can be "badly" .....
  4. One the pathway, but is a lot of air trajectories.
  ... No. 16(660) of 25.04.19 ["Arguments of Week", Yaroslav Vyatkin]
  How to reach Venezuela
  Recently two transport planes of Aerospace Forces flying to Venezuela were not allowed to pass through the airspace by Malta. (...)
  A lot of roads
  (...) In all the variants of the flight and An-124-100 Ruslan, and Il-76MD, and passenger Il62 (these three types of planes usually make flights to the Bolivarian Republic) needs one more landing. It now, as a rule, is made in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. (...) If suddenly and Dakar will refuse to accept our planes - there will be other states nearby. (...) Not to block all ways. (...)" []
  The comment.
  1. In April 1917 (on the night of April 3 to 4) V. I. Lenin announced "April theses". By this moment the issue of the entry of the USA in World War I was essentially resolved (the USA entered war on April 6, 1917). For Russia the position of the United States guaranteed an opportunity to become the glorious European country - the winner.
  But, however, Russia signed the peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and began her "travel".
  The enthusiasm of the first months and years of the revolution was replaced by emotions of a different content. Vladimir Ilyich, who lived in Petrograd, was visited by workers with some unpleasant questions. They (workers) - are the owners of life ...
  Vladimir Ilyich (together with the Government) moved to Moscow (behind the Kremlin walls it's somehow more democratically).
  When the situation in the economy became obviously catastrophic, the "New economic policy" began. Almost simultaneously, the Kronstadt uprising took place (March 1-18, 1921). (The resolution on the New Economic Policy was presented to the Central Committee of Bolshevik party on February 24 - in five days prior to a revolt. As the reason of change of economic policy of the Soviet power Stalin in 1924 called revolts in Kronstadt and the Tambov province - Wikipedia).
  Generally, V.I. Lenin finished the course of life in the Gorki (Leninskiye).
  But there is one more curious moment. Under the leadership of V.I. Lenin the new direction of foreign policy was created. The treaties with China which were earlier signed by Russia were called into question.
  Do you feel the intellectual power and the historical potential of such actions?
  To the corresponding statements of the "new" Russian government were subsequently repeatedly referred ... It was necessary to maneuver... To say that not that contents was invested, not correct was understood ...
  And around the same historical period, the United States insisted on the withdrawal of Japanese occupation troops from the Russian Far East...
  "On February 9, 1921, the American Consul in Vladivostok published a Declaration of the us government, in which he condemned the violation of the territorial integrity of Russia. (...) On may 31, 1921, the United States again sent a note to Japan warning that the United States did not recognize any claims and rights arising from the Japanese occupation of Siberia. (...) At the Washington conference held in late 1921 and early 1922, Japan found itself virtually in international isolation because of it's the Far Eastern policy. In the conditions of external and internal pressure, the administration of Kato Tomosaburo was forced to withdraw Japanese troops from Primorye. October 25, 1922 Japanese troops left Vladivostok" (Wikipedia. Article "Japanese participation in the Siberian intervention" (- in Russian)).
  V. I. Lenin's care of Russia and its inhabitants was good!
  And at parting, the respected head of the "new" Russian government presented another intellectual gift.
  He "conceptually" crushed the Stalin's intention to make the new state as a matter of fact unitary.
  Political activists "ate" this ideas of V.I. Lenin as well obediently, as "April theses". As a result - allied (but not autonomous) the republics and the right of (allied, union) republics of the USSR for an exit from the Union ...
  At the same time Vladimir Ilyich called Joseph Vissarionovich and Felix Edmundovich "great Russian chauvinists" ... (If only to trust the version, which does not have any confirmation, on Joseph Vissarionovich's origin from the general and researcher Nikolay Przhevalsky ... In this option - let they will be "great Russian chauvinists" ...).
  At the same time it is possible to notice that V.I. Lenin wrote work about the United States of Europe ("About the slogan of the United States of Europe") ... And here about the United States of China - was not succeeded ...
  So Venezuela has the something to think about... The Lenin's Legacy - it is developing creatively...
  It is necessary to recognize Vladimir Ilyich's abilities - he was able to convince a socially active population ... Until business reached the Kronstadt revolt, nobody thought of the Gorki (Leninskiye) ...
  2. Concerning Malta and "There is a lot of roads" ... If someone undertakes to calm and explain, then explain, please ...
  What size of annual and monthly (approximately) public expenditures of Venezuela?
  What size of annual and monthly (approximately) state revenues of Venezuela?
  What sources of financial receipts in case the expenses exceed the income?
  On whom does Venezuela depend at the moment? And whether Venezuela is the sovereign country (actually)?
  April 25, 2019 08:10
  Translation from Russian into English: April 25, 2019 19:44.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ об интересе к событиям в Венесуэле 25 апреля 2019 года'.
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