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The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela on March 12, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela on March 12, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela on March 12, 2019
  1. Energy context.
  MAR 12, 01: 25
  Venezuelan authorities canceled the working day on March 12 due to a blackout
  Previously, a similar decision was taken in respect of 8 and 11 March
  CARACAS, March 12. /TASS./ The government of Venezuela canceled a day of work and school on Tuesday. It was said by the vice president, the Minister of Communications and information of Venezuela Jorge Rodriguez on air of the state television of the country. (...)" []
  11 MAR, 23:04
  CARACAS, March 11. /TASS./ (...)
  Some grocery stores opened their doors to customers with the return of light.
  Owners are afraid of mass robberies. Such took place at night: a shop windows were broken, products were stolen.
  huge queues
  are not only people but also machines. Cars accumulate at certain intersections, where mobile communication catches. It can be 20 or even 100 cars. Queues are observed at gas stations and tents, where you can recharge your phone.
  When buying products, people are limited to one or two categories of goods: some take bread and fruit, others-only vegetables, and someone - two bags of ice.
  "We were not lucky yet, light did not come, in the refrigerator for three days products spoil. It is necessary to show ingenuity to save though something", - one of buyers explains.
  In the San Bernardino district, where the Central children's hospital is located, electricity has not been fully restored. Near the building there are several machines-generators to provide the institution with the necessary capacity.
  With the onset of the energy crisis in Venezuela, large chain hotels have strengthened security measures...
  In hotels since Sunday water supply is limited. In many five-star hotels water in total joins for three hours. Guests have problems with the sewerage: in toilet rooms there is no water ...
  ... The staff also informs guests with notes that in the current situation will welcome their departure.
  Dozens of journalists working these days in Venezuela expect development of the situation, persistently
  to use the Internet and mobile communication".
  11 MAR, 23: 54 updated 12 Mar, 00: 24
  Venezuelan Parliament declared a state of emergency
  The reason for this decision was the "catastrophic situation" with electricity, according to the resolution of the National Assembly
  CARACAS, March 11. /TASS./ National Assembly (unicameral Parliament) of Venezuela at the request of opposition leader Juan Guido announced on Monday a state of emergency in the Republic due to power outages in most parts of its territory. This was reported by Agence France-Presse.
  "The state of emergency is declared throughout the country because of the catastrophic situation that has developed due to power outages," the Agency quotes the text of the resolution of the Parliament.
  Earlier, Guaido sent a request to the National Assembly for the introduction of a state of emergency in the country for 30 days due to power outages in order to receive international assistance for the restoration of the power system. The decree proposed by the politician also obliges "the Venezuelan Armed forces to mobilize all forces necessary for the proper protection of facilities and employees of [the state energy company] Corpoelec". (...)" []
  The comment.
  What is the essence of the"state of emergency"?
  A river exists. There is a hydroelectric power station. There are generators. Electrons, apparently, are also available-electric current flows through the wires.
  There are competent people who are able to restore electricity ... Maybe they are abroad? I wonder why. Why for them is not comfortable inside the country?
  There is (or easily manufactured) the necessary electrical equipment. Such equipment may be exists, but - abroad?..
  It is good position - to appear near raw material pie and to receive crumbs or pieces. Even more pleasantly - to divide raw material pie. But such positions weaken mind a little and do perception of the world slightly inadequate ... Especially, it is possible not to "bother" if there is an opportunity "simply" to give the order to armed men, to indefinitely confirm the "brand of legitimacy" with a some protocols ...
  March 12, 2019 03:22
  Translation from Russian into English: March 12, 2019 03:56.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к событиям в Венесуэле 12 марта 2019 года".
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