Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Story about the Political Energy

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    The Story about the Political Energy

  The Story about the Political Energy
  Maxim Gorky has addressed guests and readers of the cafe-library:
  - The theme of our today's meeting - political energy.
  - It is difficult for you to imagine gloss and greatness of the empire of Napoleon I, - Napoleon III has exclaimed. - Napoleon I has become related with the emperor of Austria. Napoleon I married the Austrian princess! What has occurred further? What was a role of the emperor of Austria during process of leaving Napoleon I from the power?
  - I didn't have any special prospects for taking a place in the first row. I was the Austrian Archduke, brother of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I. I "worked" in 1857-1859 as Governor-General of the Austrian possessions in Italy. I served as commander-in-chief of the Austrian navy. So when the idea came to declare me Emperor of Mexico, I took this idea with interest. I became Emperor of Mexico in April 1864, - explained Maximilian.
  - We can't control the whole world. I saw my immediate goal in that affairs in the subordinated to me Austrian Empire went by the established traditions, - the Austrian Emperor has philosophically commented on the decision of the brother to become the Emperor of Mexico.
  - I spent money! I sent troops! - stated Napoleon III.
  - There has come the moment when Napoleon III's troops have been recalled back to Europe. It happened in 1867, - Maksimilian's spouse Empress Charlotte has sadly remembered. - Suddenly in front of us, - in front of my husband and me, - the terrible abyss has appeared ... I have left Mexico for search of the support in the European capitals. Such help seemed to heads of the states in the such the circumstances the business doubtful and senseless. Everywhere I heard refusals. The people surrounding me had had an impression that I was going crazy. After the sad events I have lived sixty more years.
  - I remained in Mexico. And though my situation was very difficult, I tried to keep my status, - Maksimilian has noticed.
  - Why you didn't leave Mexico, haven't gone to Europe? - the question from audience was heard.
  - First, there was still a small hope for a successful outcome. Secondly, it is difficult to choose the right moment for the exit. Third, I was a man of another world. For me words a "honor " and a "dignity" (a "vanity"?) were not empty sounds. From the position of the winning hero and the tragic hero suddenly move to the position of the defeated, and, perhaps, and partly a pathetic character - not so easy. Since we are in Your library gathered in such a composition, - Maximilian slightly tilted his head towards Maxim Gorky, - then remember the events of the Crimean war. Seems, the some historical characters preferred "to evade" the position of the vanquished? So I don't think that my attempt to continue the fight in unfavorable conditions is too strange. Fourthly, there were other motives. There's hardly any sense to going into details now.
  - We exerted the consecutive, amplifying pressure, - Benito Pablo Juarez noted. - I have headed the fight against foreign interventionists which has come to the end with a clear victory of the Mexican people. However, after reading historical literature it is possible to draw a conclusion that if we couldn't convince one of supporters emperor Maksimilian to come over to our side, then it is difficult to tell for what period of time the opposition would drag on.
  - We hoped on the reign of Emperor Maximilian! - one of the Maksimilian's supporters has commented on a situation. - The cultural, educated, humane person! Gradually, he would received a management experience. Unless we didn't want to live in the European country? Political regimes come and leave, and the European culture remains!
  - Benito Pablo Juarez Garcia was born into a poor Indian peasant family. He graduated from a theological Seminary and law school. He engaged in advocacy. He was both the Minister and the head of the government. He was supported by many locals. Mexico is a country with an ancient culture! He had every reason to claim power. Maximilian was a stranger to us! He was the protege of some European figures! - one of the supporters of the resistance to the Emperor Maximilian reign commented on the situation.
  - My personal fate was not bad! - stated Benito Juarez. - I became President of the country. As for the political regime, that emerged after the Mr. Maximilian's "departure", so ... a nothing is eternal under the Moon.
  The representative of the government of the influential Northern neighbor thoughtfully listened to the exchange of views.
  - Historians can't reproach me for my behavior during the periods of trials and after them. On the contrary, it is noted that the verdict of the military Tribunal and the execution in June 1867 were perceived by many residents without any jubilation, with sorrow,-Maximilian noted. - The sentence to death by a fusillade was passed by a majority of four votes against three. Three members of the military court spoke in favour of an expulsion. "The 'last' exam was passed".
  - We can consider the personal history of the respected Emperor Maximilian as an independent historical fact. The reading the works by Mark Aldanov can lead us to the conclusion that the events that happened with the respected Mr. Maximilian, is part of an interesting historical path that the Imperial power of Austria (Austria-Hungary) has passed since the epoch of Napoleon I and until 1918 - 1919. At what point this historical period started? It is fascinating to build a logical pattern and say that this period began in 1806, with the voluntary the refusal the Emperor of Austria off the competency of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire... Probably this question - for historical research and reflection. In any case, we can say without exaggeration that we briefly considered a practical example of the action of political energy.
  There was no objection to such a conclusion in the audience.
  Looking kindly at each other, the guests of the cafe-library began to disperse.
  Readers lined up for the obtaining of a new books.
  May 21, 2018 13:03
   Translation from Russian into English: May 21, 2018 18:21. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о политической энергии'.
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