Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Story about the provided future

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Story about the provided future

  The Story about the provided future
  Alex woke up.
  A morning ...
  He looked at the adapter inserted into the socket. The indicator did not shine. There was no electricity in the socket.
  Alex quickly ran on the neighboring square. There in the middle of the square there were a solar panel and the accumulator. Having stood in line, it was possible to recharge the smartphone.
  Having a little charged the smartphone, Aleeks called a pizzeria where he worked at delivery of pizza. The administrator on delivery indifferently allowed to come to work: "There will be orders - you will deliver pizza ..." "And there will be orders, there will be a work?" "What I can say?... Come ...".
  During the returning home, Alex turned on radio. The leader speaks that all is well. Radio bull terrier declared all the malcontents a scum, hinted at a bullet without a court, and advised to "roll" out away off the country. ("It is difficult to "roll out" to somewhere, if both the passport and the money are in the smartphone. Digitalization ... and the smartphone is discharged." "And what - it's a money?."). Alex tried to change the radio station. Radio doggies told that" we are a "good, and "they" are - a "bad"...
  Returning home, Alex tried to wash. From tap went black water. Alex had never seen anything like it. "Oil?" - whether with horror, or irony, or with admiration, he thought.
  It was necessary to go toward an urban body of water, relatively not far. Passing by uncollected mountains of rubbish, Alex grabbed a five-gallon plastic container used for water. Will be useful for a technical needs.
  "I'm sure it's clean water," Alex held a small self - hypnosis session before using water from the urban body of water.
  After a morning toilet Alex returned home to the apartment, and began to think, what to eat and what to drink.
  Finally there was a solution to this problem: "I will go to a pizzeria!"
  In a pizzeria it was necessary to walk. The batteries on the electric scooter were discharged.
  The subway didn't work. Whether there is no electricity. Whether electricity was restored. But up to 100 percent. Most likely a sabotage. Or pests. Or cyber warfare.
  On the way, Alex saw a small demonstration of opposition. Alex looked away. He was very hungry and thirsty. To participate in the demonstrations had neither the desire nor the strength nor the energy.
  A group of supporters of the regime was going to meet the opposition demonstration. Usually they "controlled", or "dealt" with "violators"... Or "organized" a conciliations ... Or were reconciling.... Maybe it's time to put them to work....
  Alex turned onto the street leading to the pizzeria.
  Orders came to a pizzeria. But how to fulfill them? It was necessary to go on foot, to run. Anyway, Alex managed to eat and drink drinking water in the pizzeria.
  At the end of the day, Alex rested a little.
  There came night. It was quite active and productive.
  Alex fell asleep at daybreak.
  When he awoke, he saw several cardboard boxes with some Asian instant food and bottles of drinking water.
  Alex lightened.
  The future was provided.
  March 15, 2019 21:04
  Translation from Russian into English: March 15, 2019 21:49.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об обеспеченном будущем".
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