Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Story about the statement of the press secretary

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    The Story about the statement of the press secretary

  The Story about the statement of the press secretary
  The press secretary went from a meeting at which deputies "talked" to rappers.
  He had a bad mood.
  What they say, these rappers. They think it's their business to come to the concert, sing songs for the public and get the royalties!
  No, they have to make a lot of things! For example, to control the structure of the audience which came to a concert ... It is a lot of tasks, even - impracticable ... Control of lyrics in itself - a task quite extensible. Recently some public figure claimed that it is possible "to see" in any classical literary work ... And on the basis of "discretion" - to forbid it. If to ponder, - all world literature - under the potential ban ...
  The press secretary remembered the statements of one of rappers:
  "If the child is brought up correctly, he will not repeat everything that heard".
  "Why you accuse us of the holes, of what you could not make? You have no ideology in the country, there are no correct education, education of youth at schools, and thanks to it there is what you see now - decomposition of youth is not our fault as artists, and yours".
  Especially the press secretary of the deteriorated mood, when at the exit from a meeting he was given listing with the name "Biathlon Legend Rigidly Ran over the Power".
  Some thoughts were superimposed on others. Remembered whether the dispute is, whether the text is. "The Eastern despotism - if you think about it - is being built unnoticed," - the press Secretary continued to dream. - "Troublesome to create it, if everyone starts to understand where the events are going."
  Ahead he saw a certain incident. There were official cars. On the earth one person lay, attentive people held other person, a more younger.
  One of attentive people approached the press secretary and, having greeted, having commented on a situation, explained: "We need the statement for the press".
  "So!" - the press secretary thought. - "In the statement it is necessary to neutralize all these thoughts - that someone is guilty of some "holes" and that this someone seeks to shift the fault - on anyone".
  - Tell, - the press secretary addressed attentive people. - This young man (he showed on the detainee) - he was on friendly terms with someone, consisted in the friendly relations?
  - That he had no friends and acquaintances at all? It is simply unreal.
  - And these people, children, his friends, - they adhere to loyal beliefs?
  Attentive people stared at the press secretary:
  - We cannot guarantee it.
  - So same - the bad organization! - the press secretary drew a conclusion.
  Attentive people shrugged shoulders, did not begin to argue.
  "The key to drawing up a statement is found", - the press secretary understood. - "It is not necessary to think about any "holes" of which someone is guilty. It is not necessary to speak about lack of ideology, the correct education, education of youth at schools, about decomposition of youth. The cause of the incident - is obvious. This young man (that is, the detainee) consisted in the wrong organization!"
  The press secretary quickly wrote a statement and transferred to attentive people. Those began to dictate the text to someone by phone.
  "And for participants of the wrong organizations special "favor" are provided", - the press secretary remembered the text under the name "Biathlon Legend Rigidly Ran over the Power".
  The mood at the press secretary improved. Ahead, according to the schedule of day, there was a visit of one of the creative competitions. There one of participants, woman, for certain will win an honourable prize. The gratitude will be unforgettable.
  The press secretary quickened the pace.
  December 7, 2018 17:24.
  Translation from Russian into English: December 7, 2018 17:55.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ о заявлении пресс-секретаря".
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