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The Story about turn of smoke - an unexpected event of the Great Siberian wildfire of 2019

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    The Story about turn of smoke - an unexpected event of the Great Siberian wildfire of 2019

  The Story about turn of smoke - an unexpected event of the Great Siberian wildfire of 2019
  Sergei Sergeyevich opened article "The Smoke from the fires in Siberia reached the Volga region. Why they do not extinguish fires also what will be farther?" on July 26 2019 (
  What is this article interesting by?
  She explains a situation which existed
  till July 29, 2019 ("The governor of Krasnoyarsk Krai Alexander Uss said that it is senseless to extinguish wildfires in a part of territories in Siberia because rescuers will be subject to danger"),
  till July 30, 2019 ("Wildfires in Russia have to be in attention of all international community, declared the chairman of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garcés"),
  and till July 31, 2019 ("The Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Ministry of Defence to be connected to suppression of wildfires in Siberia and in the Far East. Such decision, the press service of the president reported, it was accepted after the report of the Minister of Emergency Situations.").
  Article of July 26, 2019 is constructed on statement of opinions of the Head of the fire-prevention program "Greenpeace of Russia" Grigory Kuksin, the adviser to the Head of Rosleskhoz Alexander Agafonov, the Head of the government of Krasnoyarsk Krai Yury Lapshin.
  One of the most interesting phrases: ""Unlike a common practice when smoke leaves to the north, this year it turned to the west, towards a more inhabited part of the country. (...)", - the expert [Grigory Kuksin] says."
  About a smoke above Kazakhstan in this article there is no information.
  Article comes to the end with information: "The petition with the requirement to introduce the emergency regime in the territory of the Siberian Federal district on the Internet was signed by more than 120 thousand people".
  There is small article about suppression of the forest fires in Portugal. It is dated on July 21, 2019. (
  In general, it is interesting: what indicators of financial costs of suppression of one linear or square meter of wildfire?
  How indicators of costs of suppression of wildfire change within the suppression period (for example, the suppression period - conditional, for an example - 10 days. Indicators of expenses within this period remain invariable, or they change? Whether there are steady regularities? The maximum of expenses is located in the beginning, in the middle, on the finishing part of the period?)
  How do indicators of expenses depend on the fire area? Etc.
  Article about extinguishing fires in Portugal is very short. Such information is not available in it.
  Even earlier, on June 22, 2019, article is published 'Why Russian regions burn? Answers to nine main issues'. Oksana Chizh. BBC. On June 22 2019 (
  In this article there are some figures.
  "... fire passes 7-8 million hectares, and 2 million from them are simply destroyed by the intensive riding fires".
  "Only this year and only across one Transbaikalia the damage was counted approximately in 1 billion rubles."
  "Annually in Russia burns out approximately up to 40 million hectares - it is not only the woods, it both steppes, and agricultural grounds, and the drained peat bogs."
  There is not a lot of figures. But they make a terrible impression.
  July 31, 2019 posted an article "How forest fires spread in Siberia. Map.' A pockets of forest fires are indicated , but, apparently, does not specify a square of a smoke [an areas under a smoke].
  In material "The Siberian fires brought to DiCaprio: social networks burn, the power becomes flustered" ( it is told about DiCaprio's reaction, and in general, users of social networks, on wildfires.
  Here is a funny twist in the style of "The History" by Karamzin (written with the close participation of Alexander the First after the final section of the Rech Pospolita).
  A certain user of Loketski directs attention to "the historical truth": "Our ancestors saved the Homeland from ... Poles ..." [smile], etc.
  Article finished with words: "On the website is the petition with the requirement to introduce the emergency regime in all territory of Siberia. At the time of the publication of this material it was signed by more than 800 thousand people."
  So, a smoke "turned to the west" ...
  "What there at "Turks" and at "Swedes"?..."
  "WASHINGTON, on August 1. / TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday during telephone conversation discussed issues of bilateral trade and also the natural fires in Siberia. (...) ... Trump expressed to Putin the "concern about the large-scale wildfires inflicting suffering on Siberia"."
  On August 1, 2019 07:46
  Translation from Russian into English: August 1, 2019 08:30.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о повороте дыма - казусе Великого Сибирского лесного пожара 2019 года'.
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