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The Story how Vanya Zhukov became an adviser to the Latin American country for intensive development

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    The Story how Vanya Zhukov became an adviser to the Latin American country for intensive development

  The Story how Vanya Zhukov became an adviser to the Latin American country on intensive development
  The stewardess came into salon and said that because of the next blackout the airport in the Latin American country, to where Vanya was flying, does not accept flights.
  The plane landed at the airport of the neighboring country.
  Vanya announced to the employees of control that he - adviser to the Minister of energy of a known Latin American country señor Ivan Escarabajos.
  The control officer asked to wait a minute. Then Vanya was taken to a separate room and all things (together with money and photo) were taken from him for checking.
  The checking lasted very long. Vanya was tired of waiting.
  Again the employees of control came and verbally reported that all things, all of the money previously seized from Vanya for checking, to be confiscated.
  Vanya was indignant. However, he was left with clothes and shoes.
  Vanya was brought to the plane and forced to enter salon. There were no empty seats. He had to fly, sitting on some folding chair.
  The flight did not last long.
  Soon the plane landed. The flight attendant said that because of the new blackout, the airport does not work, but it would be too expensive for the airline to return. Therefore, an experienced pilot was able to land, and passengers can go down the inflatable ladder.
  Vanya went down the inflatable ladder and, without entering the terminal, across the take-off field went to the gate. The gate was open. Skyscrapers could be seen in the distance.
  Vanya went on foot to the capital of the Latin American Republic.
  A column of luxury cars was passing by. Vanya thought that he saw through a car glass of the great diplomat, who was philosophically looking at the world.
  Vanya for some reason sighed. However for despondency there were no bases. Last time in a similar situation (he was walking on the side of the road, and the great diplomat in a car by passed) Vanya was impressed by the flight through the mine of a refuse chute. This time he made rather comfortable flight by plane and painless descent on an inflatable ladder. It was a little a pity for the photo in which he was represented together with the famous politician...
  A bus honked from behind. Vanya turned around. The bus stopped. Cheerful driver nodded his head, showing that Vanya can get on the bus....
  Vanya patted his empty pocket.
  - Gratis! the driver exclaimed.
  "Grant! That is, - for free", - Vanya understood and, having smiled to the driver, came into the bus.
  The bus brought him to one of the squares of the capital.
  Thinking what to do next, Vanya went down the street.
  He saw the entrance to some supermarket. He went in. Employees were absent.
  There were laying about a boxes in the toy Department.
  At one of the boxes was written in Russian. "Holographic device for the support of lectures on scientific and technical development" (developed by "Rosnado" with means of Goscosmos).
  Vanya looked at the instructions. Powered by batteries. In some toy he found spare batteries. He put them in the device. "Functioning!"
  Vanya decided to take advantage of the accumulated experience. He of the things lying in the Department of toys made for himself a long black cloak, conical hat, like a hat of magician or wizard, wig, and wand (as at a conductor). He found some more batteries with a electric charge ('it's for a reserve!'). Extra batteries he exchanged at a street vendor on large black sunglasses.
  Nearby there was a huge queue to the accumulator and solar panel. People were making a charging of a smartphones.
  It were an grateful viewers and listeners.
  He put on a raincoat, glasses, a wig, a conical hat, picked up the wand. He put a holographic device before himself, turned it on and began to wave his wand.
  In the air there were images of space rockets and other spacecraft. Vanya waved his wand and gave explanations in English.
  The audience loved it. Oddly enough, everyone knew the words "sputnik", "satellite", "cosmonaut" and "astronaut". The words "space flight" and other words from the space lexicon were also easily perceived....
  Vanya did not notice how a column of luxury cars stopped nearby. People in an excellent suits came out of cars and approached an unusual figure in an unusual raincoat and a cone-shaped headdress, who was waving a wand like a conductor.
  Vanya, meanwhile, was demonstrating before the audience fascinating pictures. "Spacecraft of the latest model" "Base on the moon!""Flight from the Earth to a celestial body!""All this - in 20-30 years!"
  In front of the Vanya a pile of money in local currency already was. Vanya looked more closely - there was no hard currency. Pleasant, of course, to see a sign of attention.
  - "The excellent work!" - Vanya heard the words spoken by someone behind in English.
  Vanya turned his head. Near him comrade Friend and a great diplomat stood.
  - "The excellent work!" - the famous diplomat repeated approvingly.
  Comrade Friend took into account the assessment of the great diplomat and looked carefully at Vanya. Comrade Friend escorted the great diplomat up to a luxury car, asked comrade Vice-Friend to accompany the great diplomat to the airport ("Great diplomatic activity! Came for coordination", - guessed) and returned towards the place of display of holographic images.
  - 'When did you say the Moon base would be?' - comrade Friend said.
  - "In twenty or thirty years!" - Vanya answered confidently.
  - 'And how to take the path of intensive development?' - the comrade Friend gently asked Vanya.
  - "It's not so difficult. Let them return the money and lift the sanctions. Normal life will begin. And intensive development. And in twenty or thirty years there will be a base on the moon, " - said Vanya confidently.
  Comrade Friend made a sign to the security.
  After a few minutes, Vanya and comrade Friend were sitting in a cafe. Coffee arrived.
  - 'How to seek the return of money and the lifting of sanctions?' - the comrade Friend carefully continued to ask.
  - 'I will make the program of business trip to the huge Northern country. They know how to start a human life. I will hold consultations, negotiations. I'll make a detailed report. The lifting of sanctions, the return of money, a human life, a space flights, a base on the Moon - all within reach. If something does not work immediately, then in 20-30 years it will definitely become a reality. But I need status, authority. Post of adviser to the government on intensive development.'
  - Great! You have been appointed Advisor to the government on intensive development. Start preparing the program of business trip and the draft report!
  Comrade Friend gave the necessary orders.
  Vanya was allocated an estate on the ocean coast with a berth for the yacht. At the berth was a great yacht. "Like at ... how his name ... oligarch..."- Vanya thought about the yacht.
  The estate Manager introduced Vanya to the staff of the estate.
  - 'A Cosmic space and revolution!' - Vanya loudly declared.
  "From ordinary people!"Will defend the revolution!"- heard a whisper among the staff of the estate.
  Vanya sat in a chair next to the pool. There was a great view of the ocean, the berth, the yacht.
  The staff of the estate brought a Havana cigar, fruit and coffee.
  - "Would you like to take a yacht trip?" - the Manager of the estate asked.
  Vanya doubted: "Heinrich Schliemann near these shores, it seems, did not sailing. And if he was sailing, he wasn't on a yacht." "Long harness, but fast ride."
  "It would be nice to swim after a long journey," - Vanya thought .
  The staff of the estate brought swimming trunks. "The ocean, it's unusual," - Vanya thought. Brought and the air mattress.
  Vanya took the air mattress and with pleasure went into the water.
  Water was good. Vanya was looking at the sky, then into the clear water.
  Suddenly, the mattress bumped into something.
  Vanya saw a huge inflatable boat in front of him. He looked around. The coast was not visible.
  The boat was crowded with people.
  The Vanya was pulled into the boat. He was whithout clothes. They didn't take off his swimming trunks.
  The boat continued to move.
  - "Where are you floating?" - Vanya asked.
  - "Toward a freedom!" - there was an answer.
  Vanya remembered the ship off the coast of North Africa with the inscription "Freedom" and calmed down. "Everything will be fine..."
  Someone handed him a blanket that looked like aluminum foil. Vanya settled as comfortably as possible and turned his gaze to the sky and the sea. The boat was moving confidently forward ...
  April 12, 2019 22:48
  Translation from Russian into English: April 13, 2019 10:47.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ как Ваня Жуков стал советником латиноамериканской страны по интенсивному развитию'.
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