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The Story how Vanya Zhukov prepared the report on the transition to intensive development

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    The Story how Vanya Zhukov prepared the report on the transition to intensive development

  The Story how Vanya Zhukov prepared the report on the transition to intensive development
  The boat with Vanya and other passengers confidently moved forward.
  A beautiful sailboat appeared on the horizon.
  "The barque", "four-masted", - Vanya defined.
  The barque was rapidly approaching. Vanya's neighbors in the inflatable boat were silent. Vanya stood up, waved his hand and shouted: "Long live the great travelers!"Long live George Sedov!'
  The lifeboat was lowered from the barque. The lifeboat approached the inflatable boat. The man in the sea uniform asked Vanya: "who are You?'
  - 'I am Ivan Zhukov, the modern Russian writer! I make a sea voyage!'
  The person in a sea uniform with surprise examined Vanya's companions. Those continued to be silent. The person attached a tow rope to the boat and took her on the tow.
  Vanya and his companions soon saw the port of the Latin American Republic.
  Vanya's companions loudly and spasmly in protest cried out. Someone took out a knife and cut the tow rope.
  From the barque again lowered the lifeboat. Vanya raised aboard the barque. The inflatable boat was given the opportunity to float further in accordance with its own plans.
  - 'The telegram for you!' - the captain of the barque informed Vanya.
  - "I didn't expect to see you here," - Vanya told the captain happily after the greetings.
  - "I didn't expect it myself," - the captain said.
  Vanya read the telegram: "Do not forget about the obligations." Vanya sighed.
  The captain, understanding, that eminent people in swimming trunks emerge far not in all public places, gave the order. From the reserves of written-off clothes Vanya was given the uniform and shoes of a sailor.
  In port he was waited by the employees of embassy. Soon he flew over the ocean for a meeting with the great diplomat.
  The great diplomat inspected Vanya with the mixed emotions. It is annoying that he is dressed in clean and without holes a shirt and trousers. Footwear, seemingly, suitable for the use. But, however, the clothes look a worn ... In beach rubber slippers he looked better ...
  The great diplomat calmed down and passed to business.
  - 'You know that migration flows change intensity and direction.'
  Vanya did not object.
  - "It follows that "The international center of intellectual efforts on the tropical region" must be relocated to, uh, one of the southern Mediterranean countries."...
  Vanya was silent.
  - 'Prepare Your suggestions! Need a concept, rationale, new ideas!'
  Vanya decided "to play the own game", - not for nothing he went on an air mattress to a business trip and started drawing up the report on transition to intensive development ...
  - "Emigration and migration are the interconnected processes."
  The great diplomat did not begin to object.
  - "The cancellation of sanctions and return of the money blocked on bank accounts can promote transition to normal life, to intensive development, and even to creation of space bases on the Moon."
  Vanya's words worked on the great diplomat like a galvanizing. He jumped and began to run on an office:
  - 'It is in principle incorrect formulation of the question! Not cancellation of sanctions! Not a returning of money! But an equal international relations! A domination of international law!'
  "The equal international relations and domination of international law, in itself, for the comrade Friend, can have only a relative value", - Vanya thought. - "He need to normalize an economic and political situation ..."
  - "How to restore normal life? How to become on the way of intensive development? How - in the long term - to create bases on the Moon?"
  The great diplomat opened one of chiffoniers and got a big plate with exotic fruit from there. Having taken some fruit from a plate, he attentively looked at it ... Then he expressively looked at Vanya.
  "A confidential information is not announced loudly needlessly", - Vanya guessed.
  Basic provisions of the report on transition to intensive development were clear.
  Now it was necessary to reach the estate on the ocean coast.
  - 'For acquaintance with a situation and for visit of "The international center of intellectual efforts on the tropical region" I need the passport, plane tickets and money.'
  The diplomat discontentedly kept silent.
  - 'We allocated the electrotechnical equipment and other resources for our Latin American partners. The Minister of Energy with whom you already had relations, favorable to you, needs the person for small instructions. He will deliver you free of charge by the plane to the East African country. There you will be helped by people from embassy.'
  The diplomat picked up the phone. Judging by the words Vanya heard, the diplomat was talking to Alex.
  - 'He wait for you!'
  - 'Whether it is impossible to receive some money for journey to the official building from here?'
  - 'Here nearby. It is possible and to pass on foot.'
  Vanya went along the street. "A busy street. Full of a movement". Near some intersection the young man with the injured face sat. From a face blood flew down. Police officers and other people stood nearby.
  Some a woman with a badge of "Mass media" dictated the text of the information message by phone:
  "He left from New York to St. Petersburg as he wanted to live in the cultural atmosphere of Pushkin". "On Nevsky Avenue he was brought down by the car". ""After this event he decided to move to Moscow - to live in Chekhov's and Bunin's cultural atmosphere". "When he was crossing the street according a green signal of the traffic light, he was attacked." "The nature of the injuries is in the process of researching...".
  Vanya quickened his pace. He had never seen anything like it in the Latin American Republic or the East African country. Although everywhere has its own specifics. They say there's trouble in the streets in Afghanistan....
  Vanya came to the official building.
  Alex greeted Vanya and examined him. Gave a package with currency and asked to buy a suit, shoes and go to the beauty salon.
  Having returned to the official building, Vanya found the ready diplomatic passport on the own name.
  Soon they were flying over East Africa. After a short discussion, it was decided not to stop. A new change of power...
  Having arrived in the Latin American republic, having transferred the equipment and resources to the staff of the ministry, Alex became to think. It was required to write the report on a trip. In the office-room it was not expedient to be engaged in it.
  Vanya suggested to go to a manor. "I will finish the report on transition to intensive development, and you, dear sir Minister, will make the report on a trip".
  The official car of the minister quickly delivered them to a manor on the ocean coast.
  The managing director of a manor was much amazed.
  "There are confidential invisible communications between a form and a smell of a flower", - Vanya mysteriously told the managing director.
  "Protects revolution!" - the managing director guessed.
  Soon Vanya and Alex sat in chairs near the pool. Fruit, cigars and coffee were brought. The great view of the ocean, of the mooring and of the yacht at the mooring ...
  Vanya quickly finished the report. "Gogol, happened, wrote quickly. Sat down at a table during the trip - and wrote chapter", - Vanya thought.
  The report came to the end with conclusions: "Cancellation of sanctions and return of the money blocked on bank accounts, the equal international relations and domination of international law can promote - under certain conditions - to transition to normal life, to intensive development, and to creation of space bases on the Moon.
  It is expedient to begin process of transition to intensive development from increase in volumes of trade in agricultural products, with increasing supply of exotic fruit to the northern country".
  Vanya with satisfaction put the dot.
  Alex made a pause in a writing of the report. He looked at the ocean, at the mooring and at the yacht ...
  - "Once I dreamed of this estate - during sleeping I was in it" - Alex told Vanya ...
  - "At Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in letters his prophetic dreams are described", - Vanya answered.
  "Just in case it is necessary to learn where there is a cafe". "To find out about conditions of employment and "secrets" of delivery of pizza to customers" ... "Maxim Gorky, seems, was engaged in an early stage of the life in a delivery of sweet cakes to customers to the house" ...
  April 13, 2019 15:39
  Translation from Russian into English: April 13, 2019 21:45.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ как Ваня Жуков составил доклад о переходе к интенсивному развитию'.
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