Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Story of another useful act of Donald Trump

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    The Story of another useful act of Donald Trump

  The Story of another useful act of Donald Trump
  Both Donald Trump's economic and migration policies have, though not a strong, a positive impact on Russia.
  During large-scale forest fires in Siberia, the United States and Italy offered Russia assistance in extinguishing of wildfires.
  Their help was not in demand. There is no clarity with the results of extinguishing, but the attention of the public is diverted to big plans for spending budget money on a health care. (It's clear that these are the plans of people who don't face a "routine" treatment, and don't understand why many people simply shy away from that treatment. Maybe someone very much lacks beautiful interiors in polyclinics?...).
  But there remains another issue that is in a questionable position.
  The destiny of the Kuril Islands.
  What's their future?
  In order to clarify this issue, a proposal was made on the Internet to the "highest" Russian political spheres - to adopt an official Declaration of binding importance (it is possible to adopt not the Declaration, but - the law... deputies like to adopt laws...) that the Kuril Islands will under no circumstances be handed over to anyone.
  Neither the Declaration nor the law have been adopted, but respected Minister Lavrov said something (very recently) about the Kuril Islands. The press informed the public about his statement.
  "The representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that any speculation regarding the conditions for the transfer of the Kuril Islands to Japan is" unacceptable and is misinformation.. "
  In general, again somehow it is unclear...
  But US President Donald Trump's useful act followed. The intention of USA to buy Greenland was expressed.
  If you see the extraordinary arousal of loyal media figures, so you understand, that this idea impressed of many characters.
  In general, while the question of America's acquisition of Greenland stands, it is not comilfo, it's not a suitable to discuss a Russia's transfer of the Kuril Islands...
  And without any Declarations and without any laws, you can be calm - for a while - regarding the Kuril Islands...
  Thanks to Donald Trump, the US and Greenland...
  August 21, 2019 09:00
  Translation from Russian into English: August 21, 2019 09:30.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ об очередном полезном поступке Дональда Трампа'.
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