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The Story of how Vanya Zhukov put forward the continental tropical initiative

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    The Story of how Vanya Zhukov put forward the continental tropical initiative

  The Story of how Vanya Zhukov put forward the continental tropical initiative
  Vanya Zhukov went into the office of the great diplomat. The diplomat did not pay attention to Vanya.
  - "Hello," - said Vanya.
  - "The attack continues, but the capital is not captured," - the diplomat said.
  - "I heard the news. There was a radio in a some car at street. I have concluded that the time has come for a broader approach."
  - "Very it is clear ..." - the diplomat skeptically reacted.
  - "Wider and deeper need to throw a nets," - Vanya continued.
  - "Lots of protests regarding the Far East killer whales and belugas...," - diplomat showed a some worry.
  - "I in other sense. I in sense of promotion of a continental tropical initiative."
  The diplomat looked up at Vanya.
  Vanya continued to develop his idea:
  - "In tropical areas, a court banned the construction of a power plant. It's a signal. Lack of respectability! And how to increase the level of respectability? To bring together all all (from tropical areas). Show the world the importance and usefulness. Then no court is terrible ... Priority of international law!..."
  The diplomat stared at Vanya.
  - "Latin American Republic is now in need of intermediaries. Consequently, the agenda of the high forum should not be limited to the construction of power plants. The issue of mediation. This will activate the global diplomacy. And the Latin American Republic will be involved in the construction of power plants in tropical areas. Her participation in the Arctic energy projects has not received sufficient scope. (Vanya somehow remembered the generous Latin American Signor). The financial interests - a question independent ..."
  In the look of the diplomat Vanya felt interest.
  - "Continental tropical initiative! Economic cooperation. The intensification of global diplomacy. The question of the confrontation because of the capital in North Africa becomes a special case of a large dynamic picture of events..." -Vanya continued to convince.
  The diplomat shook his head approvingly.
  - "Strong economic development in tropical areas, based on the construction of power plants," - insisted Vanya, - " will push away the issues of maintaining efficient agriculture and about the position of white farmers."
  The diplomat was silent.
  Vanya remembered the mountain of bundles of banknotes on the table in front of the diplomat. "It is necessary to try. It is impossible to miss chances. It is necessary to use the opening opportunities".
  - "The ideas are raw," - the diplomat said. - "Maybe something will come in handy. But I like that you try. And I care about you. I have two counter initiatives for you. First of all, I can give you shoes to rent. You can't pay right away. But that's not a problem. You will try to put forward initiatives. Second, you need to take care of food. I am ready to be patient with your periodic work - running errands. If it is necessary, - run, earn a living."
  The diplomat paused.
  - "In the meantime, we will see what is the matter with this the capital. It is necessary to work on the project of the international high-level meeting."
  The diplomat nodded toward the files on the edge of his desk.
  - "Before your arrival, proposals were received from the Institute of higher school of the University of the intellectual Fund. It is recommended to look wider at the situation. Not only to focus on North Africa. To put forward a continental energy-diplomatic initiative. The situation of white farmers and efficient agriculture is recommended not to put on the agenda. Of course, the expansion of cooperation with the Republic of Latin America is an important task that requires urgent solutions...."
  The diplomat looked at Vanya with an important look.
  - "Some of your ideas might come in handy... I don't know... Now I'm busy...."
  Vanya walked down the street in rubber slippers and dreamed of fame and money.
  "And what a provident person! He to care for me and announced two initiatives!" "He is full of interesting offers!" "A little more and the money will flow!"
  Vanya just in case checked whether there was a hole in his pocket. It seems to be all right about the pocket.
  "A great prospects!" "A great man!"
  April 7, 2019 21:44
  Translation from Russian into English: April 7, 2019 22:39.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ как Ваня Жуков выдвинул континентальную тропическую инициативу".
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