Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Tale of the magic translation. Series 2

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    The Tale of the magic translation. Series 2

  The Tale of the magic translation. Series 2
  Let's assume that you intend to translate from Russian into English some name.
  What a name?
  For example: "Рассказ о влиянии квартирного вопроса".
  How to translate the word "влияние"? What option to choose: "Impact" or "Influence"?
  Impact (noun):
  influence, effect, action;
  blow, push, shock influence;
  return (commercial return);
  Impact (verb):
  it is dense to squeeze;
  to influence, have an impact.
  Impact (adjective):
  shock (impact load).
  Influence (noun):
  influence, action...
  Influence (verb):
  to influence, have an impact, to affect, to make impact;
  to work.
  You choose the English word "influence". It is quieter, balanced.
  But events go forward. There is such historical word: Moika ("Мойка").
  You read, for example:
  "In four hours prior to Beglov's meeting with the shareholder Alben announced resignation".
  "Beglov and Andreyeva's conversation will begin at 16 o'clock" [? December 21, 2018?]
  "Alben raises rates before Beglov's meeting with the deceived shareholder Alla Andreyeva. The vice governor of St. Petersburg Igor Alben said that he will not work according to the solution of questions of problem objects with the activist".
  ""We receive that at least about one billion rubles it is unknown where. Promised us full transparency of financial flows. Promised detailed reports on the website of committee on construction",
  - she told, having noted that nothing it was made".
  ""It is clear that privatization of this land plot was carried out to a loss to the state. It could just be taken away from Vanchugov (Vanchugova's brothers running Gorod Group - an editor's note) and to sell at the auction from which money would come to treasury of the city, on construction of the subway, for example",
  - the activist said".
  Here after this quote there comes some clarity ...
  We read further.
  "Telling about problems of shareholders, she called two surnames - Alben and Minenko. Victor Minenko in 2018 became the chairman of the St. Petersburg election commission. Before worked as the federal inspector in St. Petersburg in plenipotentiary representation across the Northwestern Federal District".
  "After Andreyeva's performance at a meeting the acting the governor Alexander Beglov charged to Alben and to committee on construction to prepare documents for a meeting with the activist ....
  In a post which Alben published in Facebook the official wrote that he will not work with Andreyeva".
  ""Taking an opportunity I want to tell that to work with Alla Andreyeva on problem objects of shared-equity construction neither I, nor Zhenya Baranovsky (the vice-chairman of committee on construction - an editor's note), nor Alexey Zolotov (the chief of the device of Alben - an editor's note) we will not be. Is ready to be punished for the intractability and even to resign. The honor and advantage me and my colleagues are affected",
  - the vice governor wrote".
  "The vice governor called the incident "the next element of black PR concerning your obedient servant". He also asks in the message a question why "Victor Aleksandrovich was dragged in" (Minenko - an editor's note). According to Alben, Minenko, working in plenipotentiary representation, "weekly helped, support to the construction block of Smolny to solve a problem of defrauded investors in our city"".
  The campaign for petition on the Internet for resignation of one of federal officials (female) is involuntarily remembered ...
  ""It is very awkward to me to speak about it, but all "activity" of Alla Andreyeva reminds a self-praise. Once again I apologize if I am mistaken. I do not trust you, Alla Andreyeva, as well as those shareholders whose expectations you deceived",
  - Alben wrote".
  Sounds pathosly ...
  "We will remind that in November, 2018 Interdistrict inspection of Federal tax service N 16 across St. Petersburg filed a lawsuit against LLC group of companies "Gorod". As follows from the registered application in the file of arbitration cases, the debtor company is required to be declared bankrupt. The former owner of the company GC "Gorod" Maxim Vanchugov has been in custody since 2015, and his brother Ruslan, who is a co-owner of the company, is now under house arrest. In the case against the owners of the construction business, we are talking about the theft of 1.2 billion rubles from the funds of shareholders."
  All this is easily understood. But we will not forget about "the weekly help", about "support" ...
  "...On December 20 [2018], the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov gave the floor to Alla Andreeva at a press conference of Vladimir Putin".
  I find it difficult to estimate how to compare efficiency of (1) petition on the Internet for resignation of the federal official (female) and (2) participation in the PRESS CONFERENCE.
  I can tell that the Supernatural Hint sometimes comes: what variant of translation - correct.
  The situation demonstrates: the choice of the English word "Impact" would be correct.
  December 21, 2018 16:09
  Translation from Russian into English: December 21, 2018 16:52.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о волшебном переводе. Серия 2".
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