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The top-level meeting on 29 September 2021 on space issues; its themes. The note

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    The top-level meeting on 29 September 2021 on space issues; its themes. The note.

  The top-level meeting on 29 September 2021 on space issues; its themes. The note.
  As RIA Novosti reported: "MOSCOW, September 29 [2021] - RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday [September 29, 2021] will hold a meeting on the development of the space industry in the country, in particular, the prospects for manned astronautics and the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome will be discussed, said Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov. (...)
  "Such issues as the prospects for manned space exploration in our country, the prospects for the use of the Sea Launch rocket and space complex, the work on the creation of the Angara space rocket complex, in general, the question of how the Vostochny cosmodrome is being built, how a rhythmic and well-reasoned financing for this construction was provided, as well as the all other aspects related to the space industry, will be discussed", - added a Kremlin spokesman." [unofficial translation] (
  Naturally, many Russial citizens could be interested in the transcript of this meeting.
  As RBC reported, "The transcript of this meeting is posted on the Kremlin's website." [unofficial translation] (
  Following the link, we found the text of the opening speech [of the foreword] at this meeting (
  However, on another site there is a document called "Transcript of Putin's meeting on the development of the space industry" [unofficial translation] ( .html)
  This document also contains the text of the opening remarks [of the foreword] for this meeting.
  For example, we did not find any information about Sea Launch in this text.
  It is remain to hope that the "Transcript of meeting" will contain a detailed account of all the speeches at the above meeting.
  October 3, 2021 06:37
  Translation from Russian into English: October 3, 2021 07:18.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Совещание на высшем уровне 29 сентября 2021 года по космической проблематике и его темы. Заметка".
  { 2432. Совещание на высшем уровне 29 сентября 2021 года по космической проблематике и его темы. Заметка.
  MMСCCСII. The top-level meeting on 29 September 2021 on space issues; its themes. The note. (English). }
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