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The treasure of Priam. Valentin Kurbatov. The essay on the mechanisms of Russial culture

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    The treasure of Priam. Valentin Kurbatov. The essay on the mechanisms of Russial culture.

  The treasure of Priam. Valentin Kurbatov. The essay on the mechanisms of Russial culture.
  'In Pskov, at the age of 82, Soviet and Russian writer and literary critic Valentin Kurbatov died.
  This sad news in his Telegram channel on Saturday, March 6 [2021], was reported by the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Sergei Shargunov. (...)
  The cause of the writer's sudden death could be a blood clot. Vladimir Tolstoy, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on culture, chairman of the jury of the Yasnaya Polyana award, which included Kurbatov, told TASS agency. " (
  We begin to remember ... About Valentin Kurbatov.
  With such big names, Valentin Kurbatov, for sure, is both a laureate of various awards and a member of the editorial boards of thick magazines.
  "Member of the editorial boards of the magazines" Literary Study "," Day and Night "," Russian Province "," Roman-Gazeta ", the editorial board of the "Roman-Newspaper XXI Century" magazine, the public council of the "Moscow" magazine. (...)
  He was a jury member of the award in honor of Apollon Grigoriev, Grand Jury of the National Bestseller Award (2001, 2002). Jury member of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize. (...)
  He died on March 6, 2021.
  Awards and prizes
  Annual awards "Literary Review" (1979), "Literary Gazette" (1987), magazines "Smena", "Ural", "Our Contemporary" (1992), "Friendship of Peoples" (1998), weekly "Literary Russia" (1997 ).
  Leo Tolstoy Prize (2000). (...)
  Order of Friendship (May 17, 2016) - for great services in the development of national culture and art, mass media and many years of fruitful activity.
  The State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art in 2019 (June 18, 2020) - for his contribution to the preservation and development of the traditions of Russian literature. " (Wikipedia).
  It would be wrong to complete this essay without reading anything from Valentin Kurbatov, limiting ourselves to mentioning big names, his participation in editorial boards, in the jury of literary prizes, his awards ...
  We are trying to find ...
  'Author: Kurbatov Valentin
  Name: Turkey. Notes of a Russian traveler
  Genre: Travel and Geography
  Publishing house: Amphora
  An unusual look at the main tourist routes in Turkey. The author is rediscovering the most ancient cities of Asia Minor with their unique centuries-old history. Ancient ruins and Christian temples, mythological places and lands where the Apostles and saints lived. " (
  There are no other works by Valentin Kurbatov in this electronic library.
  We open the file.
  "People will involuntarily understand those scholars who doubt whether it is true that Schliemann found the brilliant Troy, the Priam's riches."
  'The book you are opening was born out of five expeditions, which have so far had covered a small part of the shrines that shine in the Christian history of the world. But we were eager to share the joy of discovery, to say about the miracle of a living and acutely felt testimony of the youth and strength of Christianity here. "
  The book 'Turkey. Notes of a Russian Traveler' has a dedication. "To Boris Ivanovich Tsarev with gratitude."
  We are looking for. Who Boris Ivanovich Tsarev is?
  A certain "Synergy" fund appears.
  And in this "Synergy" there are several founders - not only a certain Boris Ivanovich Tsarev.
  For example, one of the founders - a certain "Grebnev Vitaly Nikolaevich is / was the founder of 5 organizations."
  One of these organizations:
  LLC "NPK" Ekomir "
  103070, Moscow, Old Square, 10/4 bldg. 1
  Priam's Gold is hard to find.
  But it exists ... People who remember and develop the traditions of Russial literature are able to find it ...
  [MDXVIII. Kurbatov and others. Did you invite the writer? The essay. - June 24, 2020.
  MMXLII. The thick journalism on the Kosti-NF. A story about a media kitchen. - March 2, 2021.].
  March 7, 2021 19:26
  Translation from Russian into English: March 7, 2021 12:13.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Клад Приама. Валентин Курбатов. Очерк механизмов российской культуры'.
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