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The wooden soldier of Oorfene Deuce's army has returned from service. A monologue

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The wooden soldier of Oorfene Deuce's army has returned from service. A monologue.

  The wooden soldier of Oorfene Deuce's army has returned from service. A monologue.
  Hello children! Dad got his fee, that is payment, today. Well, you know about that.
  What, son, your back was processed? It's good that you managed to escape. Need money for a living? Here, take it.
  Are you so sad, daughter? Was you fined and deprived of scholarships? Dad will not leave you without a support. Take it.
  Wife! Why don't you look happy? Prices and utility bills are rising, and mortgage payment deadlines are approaching? We'll manage somehow. Here. Take it.
  Why you all have a such sad look? We possess now a family business.
  You provide your back.
  You get fines.
  And I work, I earn fee, that is payment. There is something to live on, and there is where to live.
  And our Oorfene Deuce is trying, he attempts to make billions out of thin air. Our economic wizard!
  Come on! Everyone are smiling!
  That's good!
  Wife, give me the borscht!
  Add more sour cream! Take, children, draniki! Mom makes delicious draniki!
  April 15, 2021 21:20
  Translation from Russian into English: April 15, 2021 22:03.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Деревянный солдат армии Урфина Джюса вернулся со службы. Монолог".
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