Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The youth of Disraeli: achievements. A literary note

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    The youth of Disraeli: achievements. A literary note.

  The youth of Disraeli: achievements. A literary note.
  Sergey Sergeevich began to read the book by André Maurois "Disraeli" ["Disraeli: A Picture of the Victorian Age"].
  Why was he interested in this book?
  The main motive of interest was associated with the role of Disraeli in the start of the Eastern (Crimean) war.
  Some ideas about Nikolai Pavlovich and Napoleon III were compiled.
  Information was left from Gladstone"s biography ... He, as Minister of Finance, provided uninterrupted financing of military operations?
  It seems that Disraeli took part in the events?
  Sergey Sergeevich began to read the book sequentially.
  Events are developing slowly ...
  Disraeli is 45 years old. The age is honorable. But there is no mention of a leadership in the British state or of the Crimean War.
  Sergey Sergeyevich began to summarize - from memory - the information received from the book.
  What are the achievements of Disraeli by the age of 45?
  Wrote some books.
  Made a great travel.
  He tried to get involved in speculation, but failed. A large debts appeared.
  He tried to become one of the leaders of a large influential newspaper - unsuccessfully.
  From the career of a writer, journalist, speculator, etc. switched to a career as a politician.
  Three times lost the parliamentary elections.
  He became a visitor to London salons. He got political connections. He joined - "through connections" - into the conservative party.
  Wrote a popular brochure on a topical political theme. The brochure put him forward in the list of "intellectual figures."
  Good lines of events came together. At last, he was elected to the House of Commons.
  He had confidence in his abilities, was able to write and to speak.
  They did not take him to the government. He joined a semi-opposition group.
  A conservative leader suggested potato crop failures and a possible famine. In connection with this assumption (not justified), not entirely successful maneuvers began around the free trade law.
  Several deaths among Conservative leaders, and - Disraeli is among leaders of the Conservative Party.
  "So, what are the achievements?"
  Disraeli married the widow of his deceased friend, a member of parliament. Sometimes she waited for Disraeli in a carriage at night near the parliament building with a cooked dinner (to meet him immediately after the end of the House meeting). She was more than 10 years older than him.
  By the age of 45, Disraeli's debts had grown to a huge sum (at that time) - 40,000 pounds.
  But he was confident in himself, in his future and in his mission.
  With a debt of 40,000 pounds, he managed to buy a manor with a castle.
  Now he has become a married man, the leader (or one of the leaders) of the conservative party, the owner of the estate (with a castle), a moderately well-known writer, a man with an ambiguous political reputation and a person with a huge debt.
  He rode on horseback - along the alleys of his estate, his wife was his company. She rode in a pony-drawn wagon.
  The reading was moderately interesting ... 135 pages out of 267 have already been read (as the computer program shows [the Russian-language text]), but there is no mention of the Eastern (Crimean) war. About premiership - only hints - he became the leader (or one of the leaders) of the conservative party ...
  Maybe to read about Balzac?
  "A buying of a manor and a castle (with a huge debt) can be attributed to achievements!"
  "I will continue a reading!" - Sergey Sergeyevich decided.
  December 20, 2019 19:06
  Translation from Russian into English: December 20, 2019 15:05.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Молодость Дизраэли: достижения. Литературная заметка".
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