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Two million and a New Year's clothes in the information holding. A buff story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Two million and a New Year's clothes in the information holding. A buff story.

  Two million and a New Year's clothes in the information holding. A buff story.
  The chief editor of a large media holding looked around the members of the secret editorial council:
  - I propose to discuss our New Year's party!
  The first speaker was the head of the department of holidays:
  - Everyone comes to the New Year's party in the clothes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden: in red and white headdresses and red and white cardigans.
  All were silent.
  The head of a newspaper, which was publishing in Belarus but was part of a media holding, cleared his throat slightly.
  - We are not Juliuses Fučíks and we are not Jamalles Khashoggies! - the elder of the secret editorial council commented on the proposal.
  "He knows!" - all looked at the elder approvingly.
  The chief editor addressed the host of military review:
  - What is your opinion, Colonel?
  - We were succeeded to defend the Kuril Islands! Hence, one can come in Japanese kimonos and even barefoot. But in connection with the strengthening of statehood - amendments to the constitution were adopted! - You can come in uniforms of the civil service.
  The members of the secret editorial council looked at the colonel in silence.
  - We must bear the banner of masters with dignity! Remember the hermitess Agafya and Peskov! - the editor-in-chief explained the situation.
  - I have information! A confidential data! - the colonel explained. Using a portable tweezers, he took a piece of micro-film out of his wallet, inserted it into the card reader, placed the card reader in the slot of the gadget, and projected the image from the gadget on the ceiling of the office.
  Everyone saw the images of the two diplomas. Each of the diplomas included the surname of an employee of the media holding (the surnames were different). Moreover, from the diplomas it followed that each of these employees would be given one million rubles.
  - Do you understand now? - The colonel specified. - We will celebrate! We will come in kimonos and civil service uniforms!
  - Agafya walked barefoot, - the elder of the secret editorial council commented on the new proposal.
  Everyone nodded their heads approvingly: "He knows!"
  - What other opinions will there be? - the editor-in-chief asked.
  All were silent.
  - So, it's decided. We celebrate the presentation of diplomas and the presentation of 2 million rubles. We come or in a kimono, or in the uniforms of the civil service! Supporters of Khabarovsk or Belarus can come barefoot as a sign of demonstration of their beliefs! (In our information holding, there is freedom of opinion!)
  The meeting participants nodded their heads in approval.
  - Our meeting is over!
  Members of the secret editorial council left the chief editor's office in a secret elevator.
  The chief editor looked at the media production accumulated during the day.
  In transparent packages in front of him lay a white and red banner and a pennant with the historical coat of arms "Pahonia".
  "On the weekend we will rush to the Urals, will take a look around, will describe, then, - thanks to the colonel, - along the air bridge to the Dyatlov pass. We'll hang both the red and white flag and "Pahonia" there. We will take a photos. The next version (number 1121) is ready! It is necessary to use historical symbols in the modern informational situation!
  The editor-in-chief folded the red-and-white flag and a pennant with the historical coat of arms "Pahonia" into his briefcase and headed for the exit from the office.
  [MDLXXXVI. Anti-corruption journalist and a provincial cauldron. A sketch. - July 23, 2020.
  MDCLXVIII. A picture of the world from radio fools. The sketch. - October 19, 2020.
  MDCCLXXVIII. A small plan for a big media company. Media against bureaucracy. A script for a radio program. - October 19, 2020.
  MDCCXCI. A Belarusian media price list. A sketch. - October 25, 2020.
  MDCCCIV. The Political Clown and a Free Press. A sketch. - November 1, 2020. MDCCCXXIV. A media-throw outside the information holding. A story. - November 11, 2020.
  MDCCCXLI. A recycling of the historical kino-garbage by the information holding. A story. -
  November 18, 2020.
  MDCCCXLVIII. Wonderful scenarios under a consideration by the information holding. A story. - November 21, 2020.
  MDCCCLVIII. Ce la vie. FSK in the information holding. A story. - November 26, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXI. Propaganda of diplomatic achievements in the information holding. A story. - December 2, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXX. The artificial intelligence in the information holding. A story. - December 5, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXII. Panda and skates in the information holding. The story. - December 6, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXIX. A Cosmic Throw in the information holding. A story. - December 9, 2020.]
  December 29, 2020 17:28
  Translation from Russian into English: December 29, 2020 18:19.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Два миллиона и новогодняя одежда в информационном холдинге. Буфф-стори".
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