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Uncle Sanya (a Delphic Oracle of the Xxi century). A story for children about Seryozha

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    MMMCCCXLIV. Uncle Sanya (a Delphic Oracle of the XXI century). A story for children about Seryozha. - August 18, 2023.

  Uncle Sanya (a Delphic Oracle of the XXI century). A story for children about Seryozha.
  Seryozha periodically saw on a fence an announcement written by a pen: "Uncle Sanya - a Delphic Oracle of the XXI century." Under this text - a paper vermichel. On each paper strip - the number of a cell phone.
  Seryozha liked the text of the announcement. It can be seen that a person, who wrote, has a deep knowledge. Perhaps this person even knows the ancient Greek and the modern Greek languages. Anton Chekhov's father directed children to the Greek gymnasium in Taganrog (in Taganrog at that time there were many Greeks; there are many the beautiful Greeks' graves in the Taganrog cemetery) - in order to they (the children of the Chekhov family) become rich people. As a result, Anton Chekhov acquired a good real estate, even in Crimea he bought a house ...
  The cash received after the sale of a large coil of copper wire for charitable purposes was gradually reduced.
  Seryozha, when visiting a network department store, found out that he could purchase a lottery ticket for 100 rubles. On this ticket he can win one million rubles! Even one hundred million rubles!
  Seryozha decided to turn to Uncle Sanya for advice.
  Seryozha tore off one of the paper strips with a mobile phone number and after a while he called Uncle Sanya.
  - My prediction costs one thousand rubles! - Uncle Sanya said to Seryozha.
  - I am ready to pay the Delphic Oracle of the XXI century! - Seryozha answered.
  They met in one of the yards, sat on a bench in the shade of trees.
  - I am ready to make a prediction, - Uncle Sanya said.
  - I want to buy a lottery ticket in a network department store. Does success await me?
  - You, Seryozha, is a great man with extraordinary abilities and qualities. Gradually, your daring attempts will lead you to great success! - Uncle Sanya made a prediction.
  At Seryozha's face, tears appeared. He shook hand to Uncle Sanya, paid a one thousand rubles and went to the network department store to buy a lottery ticket.
  Unfortunately, for some reason, the lottery website did not work properly. The only thing Seryozha could read there was the names of stores where he can buy tickets. But on the site and in the ticket itself the hotline telephone was indicated. Seryozha called this phone and found out that the purchased ticket did not win, but there is an opportunity to buy another ticket.
  Seryozha decided to play on the horse racing.
  At first, he called Uncle Sanya.
  - My prediction costs 1,500 rubles, - Uncle Sanya said, - inflation. The dollar on the exchange reached 101 rubles.
  - I'm ready to pay! - Seryozha answered.
  Again a meeting on one of the benches in one of the yards.
  - You, Seryozha, is an outstanding person! All your plans will be implemented! - Uncle Sanya said Seryozha.
  - Thank you! - Seryozha answered. He paid the agreed amount and went to see the horse racing.
  Through the permanent inhabitants of the hippodrome, Seryozha found out which horse has the biggest chances of victory, and made a bet - five thousand rubles.
  The horse ran well, but she did not become the winner of the race.
  Seryozha decided to turn to the Internet resources.
  There are electronic playing machines on the Internet. There he can make a bet.
  Again a phone call to Uncle Sanya.
  - My prediction costs three thousand rubles, - Uncle Sanya said, - I recently spoke with a person who absorbed a Confucius's wisdom. In world history, a meeting of Plato and Confucius is known - do you know about it?
  - Modern brands of cars look very attractive. I would like to purchase an electric car. So I'm ready to pay.
  Again a meeting in one of the yards.
  - A great future awaits you. Your talents are huge - they are waiting for their application! - Uncle Sanya said to Seryozha.
  Seryozha paid the agreed price, and after a while he made a bet in the Internet.
  Unfortunately, the winnings amounted to 25 rubles.
  But no one prevents Seryozha from developing his talents and applying them.
  A certain amount of money remained from the sale of the copper wire.
  Seryozha ordered a cup of coffee in a fast food restaurant.
  He drank a sip. The mood was good.
  'Uncle Sanya is a great predictor! It's nice to deal with a smart persons. A right predictions! Yes, I need to do efforts, attempts. And success will come! '
  Seryozha with pleasure drank a cup of coffee and imagined himself driving a modern electric car.
  August 18, 2023 02:37
  Translation from Russian into English: August 18, 2023 04:24
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Дядя Саня (Дельфийский Оракул XXI века). Рассказ для детей о Серёже '.
  { 3373. Дядя Саня (Дельфийский Оракул XXI века). Рассказ для детей о Серёже. - 18 августа 2023 г.
  MMMCCCXLIV. Uncle Sanya (a Delphic Oracle of the XXI century). A story for children about Seryozha. - August 18, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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