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Upper Saltovo, Kunersdorf, Saltarello. A toponymic essay

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Upper Saltovo, Kunersdorf, Saltarello. A toponymic essay.

  Upper Saltovo, Kunersdorf, Saltarello. A toponymic essay.
  We can come across the mention of Upper Saltovo [Verkhnee Saltovo] when reading materials about the Saltovo-Mayaki (archaeological) culture.
  However, if today we try to find Upper Saltovo [Verkhnee Saltovo] on a modern map, this will be fraught with certain difficulties.
  If there is Upper Saltovo, then there is Saltovo or the Lower Saltovo [Nizhnee Saltovo]?
  I will not firmly assert that settlements with such names do not exist. But I couldn't find them. [Saltovo is a rural locality (a selo) and the administrative center of Saltovskoye Rural Settlement, Staropoltavsky District, Volgograd Oblast, Russia. It was founded in 1823. The first settlers were 7 families from the village of Staro-Saltovo, Poltava province.]
  Saltovo - from [out of] "sal" ['сал'], or from "salt" ['салт']?
  If from "sal" ['сал'], then further we can recall the many place names formed from "sal" ['сал'].
  But intuition tells that we need to deal with "salt" ['салт'].
  What do we find in this direction of search?
  We discover not only geographical names. But, also, - the Saltykovs, representatives of Saltykov family, - creative, cruel, energetic. A different persons.
  Saltykov Mikhail Glebovich headed the embassy of the Russian nobility to Sigismund III (near Smolensk), which concluded an agreement on the election of Władysław IV Vasa as the Russian Tsar (February 1610).
  (But what about the favorite song about the "Polish invaders" - in situation of the existence of an embassy and of a signed agreement? Questions - to Karamzin, to Emperor Alexander the First and to the "History", written after the partition of the Commonwealth in 1795).
  Saltykov Pyotr Semyonovich, Field Marshal General (1759), during the Seven Years' War of 1756-63 was the commander-in-chief of the Russian army in 1759-60 and 1762 and won a brilliant victory over the Prussian army in the Battle of Kunersdorf in 1759. There was such a case ... Frederick the Great was almost captured. They took Berlin (1760) and an indemnity from the city of Berlin - one and a half million thalers. Government money was also confiscated. Here, at this historical point, the image of the Ministry of Finance appears from the historical fog with the receipts and expenditures of public funds.
  But, if we have already agreed to take 'salt' ['салт'] as a basis, then, just in case, we will also recall Jean-de-Dieu Soult, Marshal of France (1804).
  After Saltykov and Soult, a guess appears - what if "salt" ['салт'] comes from the Arabic word "power", "ruler"?
  Maybe the ruler was once located in Saltovo?
  Since those times, a lot of water has flowed through the Pecheneg [Pechenezh] reservoir [Pechenezhskoye reservoir], the governments were changing.
  Each government has its own customs. There is a hypothesis that in order to receive compensation from the state, under some forms of power, you need to dance the 'Apple' or the Saltarello ...
  Saltovo - this geographical name suggests to think along the different directions ...
  [MMCMXIV. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the financial assistance to pensioners in Kherson. There's enough money for everyone. A financial note. - April 28, 2022.
  MMCMXXVI. Payments without a writs of execution in Henichesk, an event in Dmitrovka, as well as the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. A geographic note. - May 3, 2022.
  MMCMXXVII. Dmitrovka and Nova Praha. The May. A geographical and historical note. - May 4, 2022.].
  May 5, 2022 06:19
  Translation from Russian into English: May 5, 2022 07:23.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Верхнее Салтово, Кунерсдорф, сальтарелла. Топонимический очерк'.
  { 2958. Верхнее Салтово, Кунерсдорф, сальтарелла. Топонимический очерк.
  MMCMXXVIII. Upper Saltovo, Kunersdorf, Saltarello. A toponymic essay. }
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